You know the story all too well. One day you are focused and consumed by a woman. You are sending text messages on the regular. Talking hours on end to her at night and spending every waking free second available with her. The next thing you know… you are one of two working professionals with two kids that depend on each of you to provide their every need. Most of all, they depend on you to provide your full, undivided ATTENTION. Everything else probably would not be so draining if it were not for the last part. THE ATTENTION! The “Hey dad, watch this!” from your toddler demanding to be seen. The “this” being the most unimpressive, insignificant, least complicated action you can think of (like biting a Cheerio, a freaking CHEERIO!) for the THOUSANDTH time, all for the ATTENTION. I make no qualms about letting that toddler know that I was “NOT IMPRESSED”, but that’s just me and my parenting style leads with honesty 😊.
Continue reading “4 Reasons You MUST Go Hiking With Your Family To Save Your Marriage!”Author: admin
Ask An Active-Dad: Expert Edition with Frank Clayton, Jr.
Fitness doesn’t have to be a chore.
Frank Clayton, Jr.
I had the absolute pleasure of meeting this Physical Activity Expert during the INAUGURAL, First Annual Fatherhood Summit hosted by Merritt College in Oakland, CA. Let me just say, as SOON as I got wind of a Fatherhood Summit in my area I was ALL IN! Their tagline “Celebrating and Honoring the Power of Fatherhood” ABSOLUTELY resonated with me.
There exists a real deficit in Father-On-Father community support for father figures. Dads, Fathers, Stepdads, whichever you identify with, there is an apparent lack of support for US and we feel it every day and see the negative outcomes of a FATHERLESS community. So, we must support each other. But I digress…I was first introduced to Mr. Clayton, Jr. during his Health And Wellness discussion on “Healthy Living On a Budget” during the Fatherhood Summit. Notable to me was his demeanor, his comfort in front of strangers, but even more so, was his F.A.M.I.L.Y. that were also involved. Since I arrived quite a bit early, I was able to witness a well-dressed gentleman with an apparent infant, a wife and toddler. I knew I was in the right place. Once the Workshop started, he took center stage, gained command of the audience and engaged US with wife, toddler and infant in tow. IMPRESSIVE!
Granted, Mrs. Clayton Jr., COMMANDED the offspring as Mr. Clayton, Jr. did what he does best and taught his captivated audience what they can do to take control of their health on a budget. NEVERTHELESS, the workshop was a success and I was happy to invite Mr. Clayton, Jr., to be not only a featured ACITVE-DAD, but our very first EXPERT!
I asked Frank Clayton, Jr., about his experience as an Every Day Active-Dad, with some EXPERT TIPS.
Continue reading “Ask An Active-Dad: Expert Edition with Frank Clayton, Jr.”Ask An Active-Dad: Everyday Dad Edition with Eric Heinze
I had the distinct pleasure of working with this Every Day Active-Dad, Eric Heinze, on my day job. About a year ago our division hosted a week long conference and training in Irvine, CA. Like so often is required of the position we each hold, we were taken away from our families and our personal daily routines. He and I connected on our commitment to PRIORITIZE PHYSICAL ACTIVITY and how we both were using an online fitness program to keep our activities fresh and versatile while on travel status.
Shortly after checking in my hotel room at the Marriott Irvine Spectrum, I checked out the fitness center and was excited about how well equipped it was. It turns out so did he. We decided to do a workout together. I let him choose the workout program he was currently undertaking. It was good to submit myself to a workout I was not familiar to. I never get to exercise with a partner, unless I am hiking with my wife. I mostly seize moments, often on a whim, and its hard to schedule a session with other people in mind. The upside of training with a good partner is the shared motivation and competitiveness. It was a good session and we even ran a couple miles after. We did this throughout the week. It is good to connect with a fellow Active-Dad.
I asked Eric about his experience as an Every Day Active-Dad.
Continue reading “Ask An Active-Dad: Everyday Dad Edition with Eric Heinze”But I am NOT A Morning Person!
I can GUARANTEE these words have been uttered by you, or someone you know! I have even seen the “I Hate Morning People” posts or memes on social media (which are pretty harsh). The reality is, we ALL cannot be morning people. Rest assured, we ALL do not have to be! The most opportune time is when every soul in the house is asleep, and you can get up, sneak about like a Ninja Turtle, get a prayer and stretch session in (a different type of FLEXIBILITY) and get ready to head to the Fitness Center or go for a run. That time usually starts at 0430 HOURS to 05000 HOURS. That was my weekday routine that I had on autopilot when I was not on travel status and we were just a family of THREE. Me and my wife had a grip on things fairly well.
Continue reading “But I am NOT A Morning Person!”4 Reasons Why You MUST Promote Physical Activity On FATHER’S DAY!
As fathers, we are called to lead your households. As parents, we are, or should be, the number one influence in our children’s lives. Nothing reminds me of this fact more than having my toddler straight up emulate my actions (I know it gets trickier the older they get, at least I am told). If there is a time for you as a man to look yourself in the mirror and evaluate what kind of impact you are having on your child, Father’s Day is that time! Maybe this Father’s Day is the perfect time to join the #LetUSBeGreat Challenge, sit down and have that tough conversation with you wife on how prioritizing physical activity is important to you and the FAMILY. Frankly, this type of self-reflection should occur more often, but if you need a built-in calendar reminder, FATHER’S DAY, says it ALL. There are many aspects of your child’s life you can endeavor to leave a positive impression but allow me to state the case for physical activity (I mean, this is after all).
Inadequate Physical Activity comes at a GREAT COST!
Continue reading “4 Reasons Why You MUST Promote Physical Activity On FATHER’S DAY!”#LetUSBeGreat! CHALLENGE – How To Gain Support from your Significant Other
Why Did I Get Married?
We get married for different reasons and have kids during different times in our lives. Some of you may have married your high school sweet heart. Others may have settled down later in life and gotten married in your mid-30s. It is just as common to have been divorced, with or without kids, and remarried with a blended family. Whatever your familial composition, the common interests that brought you and your wife together may not have included PHYSICAL ACTIVITY.
Continue reading “#LetUSBeGreat! CHALLENGE – How To Gain Support from your Significant Other”Why “You can’t exercise your way out of a bad diet” is FALSE!
You may have heard the saying that “You can’t exercise your way out of a bad diet”. If you haven’t then you just did. Well I say that is bull crap! HOGWASH I tell you! Two is better than one, but one is better than none!
Continue reading “Why “You can’t exercise your way out of a bad diet” is FALSE!”3 Things You Need To Prepare for When Staying Active On Vacation
Time away from work is always a blessing. It is a chance to break away from your routine and distance yourself from work stressors. Early morning runs are fantastic ways to stay active and not affect your sightseeing itinerary. I consider it an absolute privilege to have ran in Italy and Japan (pre-Fatherhood), South Africa, Thailand, Zambia, Botswana and Peru. If you want to experience a country from a different perspective, GET UP AND GET GOING before the suns comes up. Before people get fully in to their day, GO FOR A RUN! (jog, brisk walk, hike, hop, jump, skip…). Pack a poncho and leave no excuse to bow out.
Continue reading “3 Things You Need To Prepare for When Staying Active On Vacation”Hey FAT DAD! You Are Robbing Your Grand-kids of Their Legacy!!!
No Research Necessary: We pour a lot of time, energy and effort into our children’s future. And rightfully so. We desire they go be greater than us, but ask nothing in return other than they become God-fearing, good American citizens as adults. At the same time, we rob them of their future by our very own selfish acts. These acts I am referring to are a sedentary lifestyle, bad eating habits, cigarette smoking and/or alcohol addiction.
Continue reading “Hey FAT DAD! You Are Robbing Your Grand-kids of Their Legacy!!!”WOW! That was Inspirational! (Now What?)
The best way to display appreciation for inspiration is through acknowledgment and action.
Continue reading “WOW! That was Inspirational! (Now What?)”