How To Use DISGUST To Motivate Yourself!

The other day I had a coworker approach me. The conversation went along the lines of not having the motivation to Prioritize Physical Activity. Yes, the subject of Priortizing Physical Activity goes beyond these posts, it permeates my every day life. Often times its my relatives making similar comments or asking the same questions. This dates back to my younger years. So its not unusual for me to have these types of conversations outside of

To frame this conversation, the focus of the discussion was motivation. My colleague was seeking my help in motivating them to Prioritizing Physical Activity. They stated they needed me to help motivate them. In my mind I was thinking, if you need me to motivate you, then you haven’t hit the right level of disgust yet. I emphasize the “in my mind” part. An unfiltered conversation of this nature may not go well in the workplace, for obvious reasons.

Also in my mind was a quote from James Allen, “A strong man cannot help a weaker unless that weaker is willing to be helped, and even then the weak man must become strong of himself; he must, by his own efforts, develop the strength which he admiers in another. None but himself can alter his condition.”

Use Disgust as a tool

Now I know some Body PositiviERs may not agree, but there is a rock bottom for some of us. We would all like to think that we are just fantastic just the way we are, but from a health perspective, that may not be your truth.

Check out “Can You Promote Body Positivity AND Self Improvement?“.

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Pass On An Inheritance of Heart Health | World Hypertension Day

My family history has a history of hypertension. Because of this, I’m at a higher risk for hypertension.  May 2020 is National Stroke Awareness Month (#StrokeMonth). Interestingly enough, World Hypertension Day (#WorldHypertensionDay) is on May 17.

This is the world asking you if you know where you stand. Do you have Hypertension?

What Is Hypertension?

Just like most medical terms, there is usually a common, more relatable term to describe it.

Poop = Feces

Microorganisms = Germs

Hypertension is the term used to describe High Blood Pressure. 

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World Obesity Day

The “Official” World Obesity Day may have passed, but that does not mean we have move beyond the Clear and Present Danger of health of our time. Sure, there are sensational, sporadic events just about every other year. This condition remains a GINORMOUS problem. It is dull, yet insidious, and persistent. Because of this, it doesn’t get the attention it rightly deserves. People are quick to poke fun at it or poke fun at the people with this condition, but are unwilling to emphasize the underlying factors. Whether you like to hear it or not, obesity is preventable and treatable. We can, we must, take action now to break ourselves of our deadly routines.  

Eat, eat, eat. Sit, sit, sit. Day, after day, after day…OBESITY!


The Great american dream

You have strived to achieve the “Great American Dream”. This dream has been distorted into extended periods of sitting around and eating. You get up in the morning, eat cereal — which may be delicious—that is high in sugar. You chase that down with coffee that contains even more sugar. You get into your spacious Ford F-150, sit and drive to work. You get stuck sitting in traffic.

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4 Reasons Why You MUST Promote Physical Activity On FATHER’S DAY!

Prevention Through Physical Activity Starts With DAD!

As fathers, we are called to lead your households. As parents, we are, or should be, the number one influence in our children’s lives. Nothing reminds me of this fact more than having my toddler straight up emulate my actions (I know it gets trickier the older they get, at least I am told). If there is a time for you as a man to look yourself in the mirror and evaluate what kind of impact you are having on your child, Father’s Day is that time! Maybe this Father’s Day is the perfect time to join the #LetUSBeGreat Challenge, sit down and have that tough conversation with you wife on how prioritizing physical activity is important to you and the FAMILY. Frankly, this type of self-reflection should occur more often, but if you need a built-in calendar reminder, FATHER’S DAY, says it ALL. There are many aspects of your child’s life you can endeavor to leave a positive impression but allow me to state the case for physical activity (I mean, this is after all).

Inadequate Physical Activity comes at a GREAT COST!

Continue reading “4 Reasons Why You MUST Promote Physical Activity On FATHER’S DAY!”