Ask An Active-Dad: Expert Edition with Barri Griffiths (WWE Wrestling Superstar Mason Ryan)

As we all know, ACTIVE-DADs come in all shapes and sizes. There is no “Perfect” starting point because the goal is to start where you are, RIGHT NOW, and aim to continuously improve.

If that means going from completely sedentary to joining the One Activity, One Day A Week Challenge (How Low Has Complacency Set Your Bar?), then YOU’RE WINING! The secret; The more you keep going, the more you keep WINNING. Along the way, you can adjust and discover new approaches.

But first thing’s first.

major time on major things

I’ve said it before in Health Is A Wealth Multiplier, but I’ll say it again, if you’ve figured out how to build wealth, you already have the tools  to be an ACTIVE-DAD and lead a healthy life  prioritizing what brings you the most value. On your journey, you are likely to share the road with others traveling in the same direction, albeit, often at different speeds and in different vehicles

I am stoked to introduce you to Barri Griffiths. He hosts an extremely successful and alluring podcast appropriately titled Wrestling With Real Estate, to which I was fortunate enough to grace an episode of. Prior to the podcast episode, I met Barri traveling down a similar road to financial independence.

Wrestling With Real Estate with Barri Griffiths (former WWE Superstar Mason Ryan)
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The 3 Most Important Aspects Of Men’s Health

It’s OUR month fellas!

June is MEN’S HEALTH month! Once again, another year and another month to call ours. For far too long we have allowed ourselves to believe that our health was not important. As young boys, we grew up with a keen idea of what physical health was. We had a surface level understanding of what it looked like and likely aspired to what we knew.

Playing sports in our adolescence, we knew we had to stay active because NOBODY wanted to be the slowest person on the field of play. So we stuck to the fundamentals like running and jumping, which translated to pretty much every popular sport.

Personally, I admired the athletic abilities of Dallas Cowboys running back Emmitt Smith, I ripped out muscle mag pictures of IFBB professional bodybuilder Nasser El Sonbaty ( didn’t know any better) and hung them on my wall, and I was forever impacted by the blazing speed of Olympic Gold Medal sprinter Michael Johnson and his gold cleats.

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You Have All The Time You Need! 2 Paths to Prioritizing Physical Activity.

Time, is it on your side? It’s simply mathematics, er…. Elementary my dear dads! Well, according to George S. Clason (author of The Richest Man In Babylon) “As for time, all men have it in abundance.”. Words to remember when you are telling yourself, or whoever else you are trying to convince, “I just don’t have time”. I mean, who are you to argue with the late great Clason!

I get that comment all the time. I don’t argue. I don’t try to convince them otherwise, “because a man convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still.”.

I am just full of useful quotes today! Keep reading and find out! 😉

Basic Dad Path A: Morning Duty

You wake up at 6:30 a.m. You take about 30 to 45 minutes to get ready for work (sometimes you shower, sometimes you’re just generous with the Deo). You get the kids ready, feed them (another 30 minutes), drop them off on your way to work. HOPEFULLY you get to drop them off at the one location, otherwise, drop off is a hot mess.  You make it to work between 8:15 – 8:30 a.m.

To Prioritize Physical Activity, Skip to Active-Dad SUPERCHARGED Path A

Continue reading “You Have All The Time You Need! 2 Paths to Prioritizing Physical Activity.”

If you STILL Haven’t Started, Just SHUT UP Already!

I may be hangry from my intermittent fasting or just irritable after working 21 straight nights, half of which were 12 hour shifts. Regardless, I am not mincing words. I am going all in!

The whole world has been ordered to Shelter In Place—of some form or another—by our governing officials. The majority of you have taken that ordinance and have decided to conveniently use that as your reason to DO NOTHING.  Let’s be honest, you didn’t really need an excuse. If it wasn’t this excuse, it would have been another. You see, you are FULL of excuses (among other things). No amount of “Work From Home” or “Free time” would have ever been sufficient for you to Prioritize Physical Activity. You know why, because it starts with YOU and YOU don’t really want to change. You are satisfied with being one of the 40% plus of males either overweight or obese. You are comfortable with your lifestyle as is. Well, It’s Time To Move Beyond Comfort! Being a dad is not your issue. Time is not your issue. YOU are your issue.

You can make excuses or you can make progress. You choose.

Brian Tracy
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Ask An Active-Dad: Everyday Dad Edition with Bernardy Darguin (Peloton Showroom Manager)

Since 2013, my wife and I have lived in four different states. From Florida, to Arizona, to California, to presently Maryland. That may sound a little excessive to some, but it’s not without reason. Nevertheless, our tendency to move around has unexpectedly honed one very important skill, the ability to connect with good people. Of course, my wife oversees the family’s Communication Department, because if it were up to me, we would only know work colleagues (she would be bored with us talking “Shop”) and people from the local real estate investor meetups (again, boring to her). It’s a big deal to me when dads connect.

I think the key for us is being open to getting out there and just moving!

Bernardy Darguin

As a family of four, 99% of all social gatherings must involve kids and/or be kid friendly. So when my wife mentioned someone invited our family over for a get-together, I was ready and willing. I was happy to meet Bernardy and his family of six (four kids, him and his wife) and enjoyed spending time with them. Not to mentioned they opened up their home! Bernardy not only has a good handle on Prioritizing Physical Activity, he is well vested in it. As the Showroom Manager of the Peloton Bethesda Row Retail Store, he lives, breathes and eats Prioritizing Physical Activity. Now that all gyms and fitness centers are closed, don’t you wish you had a Peloton?!?!

Check out his story!

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It’s Time To Move Beyond Comfort! Focus on T.O.P.C.

We get caught in a certain level of comfort. It’s not uncommon for the masses. We find a place where we have comfortable stress and adequate finances. We have friends and family that have accepted us as we are, and those associations are comfortable. They don’t think we are overweight, because the look no different. Besides, 37.9% of men over the age of 20 are obese. So healthy weight is NEVER a topic of discussion.

Something in human nature tempts us to stay where we’re comfortable.

Fred Smith

You do not like what you see in the mirror. Even worse you convinced yourself that you don’t care. But, you do. Deep down you really do care. You want to be better for yourself. You want to be better for your wife. You want to be better for your son. You don’t feel comfortable in your skin anymore and you are afraid that your kids are picking up on your lack of confidence. If this keeps up, he may grow up with the impression that on the Hierarchy of Needs (thanks to Abraham Maslow), Esteem is not really that important. At last, he had no examples of it from you growing up.

You might not have put much thought into it, but the moment your son was born he instinctively sought to fulfill his needs. Be it breathing air, water and food through milk, shelter from the environment, or sleep; everyday of your newborn son’s life revolved around all these Physiological Needs. Ask your mom, and she will tell you that you did the same. As your Physiological Needs were continuously met and you matured, your needs also matured. Your needs developed into the need of Safety. The need of security, resources, employment, safety of your family and of your HEALTH. As you worked to satisfy those needs, somewhere along the way, some of these needs were substituted. Somewhere along the way the need for the Safety of your Health was swapped out for the need for COMFORT.

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Ask An Active-Dad: Everyday Dad Edition with Steve Galvez

Connecting with Dads is one of the main values embedded in Active-Dad. A main proponent of the platform is showcasing Every Day Dads Prioritizing Physical Activity. Distractions and excuses are behind EVERY single corner, but until you learn to not only say “Health is Wealth”, but follow through, put Physical Activity into your daily routine and LIVE IT; all you did was just utter a catchy phrase without merit.

We have plenty of time in the day to make time for what is important to us.

Steve Galvez

As the saying goes, “RockStars Know RockStars”. Equally so, High Performers Gravitate Toward High Performers. When I first interacted with this individual, he was actually interviewing me for a position. Are you fortunate enough to know a person who is just easy to be around, genuinely likeable and can depend on as a person and as a professional? Well, he is that guy. So, when the GREAT NEWS broke that he and his wife were bringing a child into this world, I was overjoyed to welcome him to the club! He has been winning in life, pre-kid. I know he will continue his winning streak, post-kid. Take note, because here is how he is doing it.

I am excited to introduce Steve Galvez for this feature of Ask An Active-Dad: Every Day Dad Edition. I asked Steve about his experience as an Every Day Active Dad.

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Why You Should SHUT UP About Leadership, If You Fail To Lead Yourself!

Have you ever gotten advice (often unsolicited) from someone who you knew with 100% certainty, they didn’t heed their own advice? I hear about it ALL the time. I have heard the complaints from colleagues and acquaintances of how a healthcare professional — particularly overweight or obese — proceeded to recommend that they lose weight to avoid health issues. They tell me how they thought to themselves (or maybe you even say it), “Excuse me, but shouldn’t you be practicing what you preach?” While this is sound advice and the healthcare professional was doing their job, their “body of work” spoke for itself. There are other elements that we consciously be considered.

A leader without followers is simply a man taking a walk.

John Boehner
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What Is The Most Important Thing To You In Your Life?

What Is Most Important To YOU?

Have you asked yourself this question lately? What is the most important thing to you in your life? If you answered, “My Family”, then you are like most family men out there. We get married and have children, not to neglect them, but to grow and nurture that them.

“If you are travelling with a child or someone who requires assistance, secure your mask on first, and then assist the other person.”

Flight Attendant

As fathers, we lose sleep at night on how we are going to provide for the needs of our families. As you established those needs and progress out of the stages of self-preservation, providing food and shelter, we then focus on security. By security, I do not mean physical security. Having shelter for your family provides a certain type of security. Additionally, there are inexpensive ways to provide physical security these days. However, what I mean here is long term security, which may include financial or security through health and well-being. These types of security afford our offspring future OPPORTUNITIES and OPTIONS.

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Ask An Active-Dad: Expert Edition with Frank Clayton, Jr.

Fitness doesn’t have to be a chore.

Frank Clayton, Jr.

I had the absolute pleasure of meeting this Physical Activity Expert during the INAUGURAL, First Annual Fatherhood Summit hosted by Merritt College in Oakland, CA. Let me just say, as SOON as I got wind of a Fatherhood Summit in my area I was ALL IN! Their tagline “Celebrating and Honoring the Power of Fatherhood” ABSOLUTELY resonated with me.

 There exists a real deficit in Father-On-Father community support for father figures. Dads, Fathers, Stepdads, whichever you identify with, there is an apparent lack of support for US and we feel it every day and see the negative outcomes of a FATHERLESS community. So, we must support each other. But I digress…I was first introduced to Mr. Clayton, Jr. during his Health And Wellness discussion on “Healthy Living On a Budget” during the Fatherhood Summit. Notable to me was his demeanor, his comfort in front of strangers, but even more so, was his F.A.M.I.L.Y. that were also involved. Since I arrived quite a bit early, I was able to witness a well-dressed gentleman with an apparent infant, a wife and toddler. I knew I was in the right place. Once the Workshop started, he took center stage, gained command of the audience and engaged US with wife, toddler and infant in tow. IMPRESSIVE!

Granted, Mrs. Clayton Jr., COMMANDED the offspring as Mr. Clayton, Jr. did what he does best and taught his captivated audience what they can do to take control of their health on a budget. NEVERTHELESS, the workshop was a success and I was happy to invite Mr. Clayton, Jr., to be not only a featured ACITVE-DAD, but our very first EXPERT!

I asked Frank Clayton, Jr., about his experience as an Every Day Active-Dad, with some EXPERT TIPS.

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