Through Your Daughters Eyes, Are You Who You Say You Are?

Imagine you’re on trial and your daughter is called to bear witness on your daily habits. With her left hand on the Holy Bible (King James Version, of course) and her right hand raised the judge asks her “Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?”. Your daughter answers, “Yes”.

What will her sworn testimony be? Will your daughter’s testimony be a glowing testament of how you Prioritize Physical Activity daily, or a striking one? Will you be able to hold your chest and chin up high because you know your talk and your walk are in stride? Or would your claims not match the man she knows you to be?

Will she say, “daddy Prioritizes Physical Activity!”, or will she say, “daddy really likes watching T.V.”.

Talk That Talk

“His wishes and prayers are only gratified and answered when they harmonize with his thoughts and actions.”

James Allen
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How To Use DISGUST To Motivate Yourself!

The other day I had a coworker approach me. The conversation went along the lines of not having the motivation to Prioritize Physical Activity. Yes, the subject of Priortizing Physical Activity goes beyond these posts, it permeates my every day life. Often times its my relatives making similar comments or asking the same questions. This dates back to my younger years. So its not unusual for me to have these types of conversations outside of

To frame this conversation, the focus of the discussion was motivation. My colleague was seeking my help in motivating them to Prioritizing Physical Activity. They stated they needed me to help motivate them. In my mind I was thinking, if you need me to motivate you, then you haven’t hit the right level of disgust yet. I emphasize the “in my mind” part. An unfiltered conversation of this nature may not go well in the workplace, for obvious reasons.

Also in my mind was a quote from James Allen, “A strong man cannot help a weaker unless that weaker is willing to be helped, and even then the weak man must become strong of himself; he must, by his own efforts, develop the strength which he admiers in another. None but himself can alter his condition.”

Use Disgust as a tool

Now I know some Body PositiviERs may not agree, but there is a rock bottom for some of us. We would all like to think that we are just fantastic just the way we are, but from a health perspective, that may not be your truth.

Check out “Can You Promote Body Positivity AND Self Improvement?“.

Continue reading “How To Use DISGUST To Motivate Yourself!”

Spring ALWAYS Follows Winter. But Winters Are For Suckas!

Every year, without fail, the seasons change. Summer, fall, after winter then comes spring. Spring ALWAYS follows winter. This pattern isn’t going to change.

There are certain things in life that one man cannot change. How much control do you have over the changing of the seasons? Absolutely none. You can’t change the seasons. You’re just a spectator merely watching as things happen around you.

You can either be The Enthused Participant, The Punching Bag or the ACTIVE-DAD. Either way, it’s going to happen.

“Better is not something you wish; It’s something you become.”

Jim Rohn
Continue reading “Spring ALWAYS Follows Winter. But Winters Are For Suckas!”

Ask An Active-Dad: Expert Edition with Barri Griffiths (WWE Wrestling Superstar Mason Ryan)

As we all know, ACTIVE-DADs come in all shapes and sizes. There is no “Perfect” starting point because the goal is to start where you are, RIGHT NOW, and aim to continuously improve.

If that means going from completely sedentary to joining the One Activity, One Day A Week Challenge (How Low Has Complacency Set Your Bar?), then YOU’RE WINING! The secret; The more you keep going, the more you keep WINNING. Along the way, you can adjust and discover new approaches.

But first thing’s first.

major time on major things

I’ve said it before in Health Is A Wealth Multiplier, but I’ll say it again, if you’ve figured out how to build wealth, you already have the tools  to be an ACTIVE-DAD and lead a healthy life  prioritizing what brings you the most value. On your journey, you are likely to share the road with others traveling in the same direction, albeit, often at different speeds and in different vehicles

I am stoked to introduce you to Barri Griffiths. He hosts an extremely successful and alluring podcast appropriately titled Wrestling With Real Estate, to which I was fortunate enough to grace an episode of. Prior to the podcast episode, I met Barri traveling down a similar road to financial independence.

Wrestling With Real Estate with Barri Griffiths (former WWE Superstar Mason Ryan)
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Because I’m FAT and LAZY.

I have heard this more times than I care to count. Each time I hear it, I cringe, internally. Maybe you have even uttered this once or twice. Possibly trying to be funny, using humor to soften the blow of the truth. “Because I’m FAT and LAZY”. It is one thing to admit your shortcomings and own up to them, it’s another to find comfort in them.

Consider the tone and context of this conversation:

Continue reading “Because I’m FAT and LAZY.”

Sedentary Habits Are Learned. Prove Me Wrong!

Be Still! Sit down somewhere! No Running in the house! Stop being such a busybody!

I’m willing to bet you have yelled one of these go-to phrases at least once. My daughter might hear me utter these words several times in a day. The context is always important, but the truth of the matter is, we say these words more often than we think. We look at our kids and ask, “Where do they get all that energy?”.

That should be our first clue as to how we are all wired to GO! You don’t have to teach your kids how to be busy and rambunctious. They do that on their own.

Continue reading “Sedentary Habits Are Learned. Prove Me Wrong!”

The 3 Most Important Aspects Of Men’s Health

It’s OUR month fellas!

June is MEN’S HEALTH month! Once again, another year and another month to call ours. For far too long we have allowed ourselves to believe that our health was not important. As young boys, we grew up with a keen idea of what physical health was. We had a surface level understanding of what it looked like and likely aspired to what we knew.

Playing sports in our adolescence, we knew we had to stay active because NOBODY wanted to be the slowest person on the field of play. So we stuck to the fundamentals like running and jumping, which translated to pretty much every popular sport.

Personally, I admired the athletic abilities of Dallas Cowboys running back Emmitt Smith, I ripped out muscle mag pictures of IFBB professional bodybuilder Nasser El Sonbaty ( didn’t know any better) and hung them on my wall, and I was forever impacted by the blazing speed of Olympic Gold Medal sprinter Michael Johnson and his gold cleats.

Continue reading “The 3 Most Important Aspects Of Men’s Health”

You Have All The Time You Need! 2 Paths to Prioritizing Physical Activity.

Time, is it on your side? It’s simply mathematics, er…. Elementary my dear dads! Well, according to George S. Clason (author of The Richest Man In Babylon) “As for time, all men have it in abundance.”. Words to remember when you are telling yourself, or whoever else you are trying to convince, “I just don’t have time”. I mean, who are you to argue with the late great Clason!

I get that comment all the time. I don’t argue. I don’t try to convince them otherwise, “because a man convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still.”.

I am just full of useful quotes today! Keep reading and find out! 😉

Basic Dad Path A: Morning Duty

You wake up at 6:30 a.m. You take about 30 to 45 minutes to get ready for work (sometimes you shower, sometimes you’re just generous with the Deo). You get the kids ready, feed them (another 30 minutes), drop them off on your way to work. HOPEFULLY you get to drop them off at the one location, otherwise, drop off is a hot mess.  You make it to work between 8:15 – 8:30 a.m.

To Prioritize Physical Activity, Skip to Active-Dad SUPERCHARGED Path A

Continue reading “You Have All The Time You Need! 2 Paths to Prioritizing Physical Activity.”

What Happened To “New Year, New Me!”?!?!

So you had a complete derailment of your physical activity goals for 2020. If you were like the countless of Americans that went through the whole “New Year, New Me” train of thought or were merely switching up your routine, and were actually STICKING TO IT, having your fitness center shutdown for 2+ months definitely threw a wrench in your plans.

Let me tell you, I was right there with you. No home gym to speak of. Two resistant bands and THAT’S IT!

What did you do?

With all sincerity, I am asking because I am curious. How did you respond to these Lemony Snicket’s Series of Unfortunate Events? COMMENT, COMMENT, COMMENT…below.

I had a plan. Boy, did I have a plan for 2020. I was WELL on my way to realizing that plan. In January, I was serious about Intermittent Fasting (I.F.). I started with a four-hour eating window in January. Each month, I decrease my eating window by one hour. So, a three-hour eating window in February, followed by a two-hour eating window in March…then came APRIL.

Follow the journey here, If you STILL Haven’t Started, Just SHUT UP Already!

Back That Thang UP!

But let’s back it up. In mid-March, Maryland’s government officials shut down all the fitness facilities. I kindof saw the writing on the wall before hand. So true to form, I overloaded my workouts and skipped rest days once I caught a whiff of the possibility of my facility closing. I do this when my Spidey-Sense tells me there may be a change in my “normal” routine. Could this be a form of anxious energy?

When my wife was pregnant (And yes, I mean my wife, not “We”. Dudes that say WE get on my nerves.) with our second child and we were anticipating his arrival, I went absolutely BESERK with my workout plan. I would workout 7 days, 14 days, even 21 DAYS straight before I took a rest day. I literally had my body tell me, “You taking a break, punk!” and would fully exhaust myself before I took a rest day. A little over the top, likely unnecessary, yes! But that is how I dealt with the stress and the uncertainty of not knowing what was in store for the future.


It all worked out. Once you and your wife commit to finding a way to Prioritize Physical Activity, it’s a wrap! But Fellas, GAIN BUY IN! I’m being as serious as can be. My kids gravitate to their mom, in a clingy way that they do not necessarily do to me, at least not as frequently. So, if YOU want to Prioritize Physical Activity, first, make sure SHE gets a chance to prioritize whatever SHE wants to prioritize.   

As my body has gotten older, it has become increasingly more difficult to maintain a certain Body Mass Index (BMI). I have found that eating the same way I did in my 20’s, requires an EXPONENTIAL amount of energy to burn in order to maintain a fair BMI. Basically, I cannot do what I did in my 20’s (eat, drink, and workout) and expect to still be sexy (for my wife 😊). I am 35 years old now. 


So when COVID-19 decided to visit the U.S., I knew in the back of my head, things were about to change. So, I GOT BUSY! I did everything in my power to hit up the gym everyday in March. So when the gym shuttered their doors, I didn’t feel as though I was left in the wind. I also signaled to my wife to do the same.


When your fitness center closed and the commitment(s) you made, likely to yourself, what did you do? COMMENT, COMMENT, COMMENT…below.

Did you decide to stop holding yourself accountable because these circumstances were out of your control? Do you have a home gym? Were you able to use your home gym to stay on track? Do you have a home gym, but you lost motivation and your commitment waned? Did you take to the outdoors?

Full Transparency

On my end, during the brunt of 2020 COVID-19 season, I was away from home on traveling. That was fine by me. I am always ready to just go for a run or do calisthenics, or both.

My work duties took me away from my family (Check out Family Day EVERYDAY) and I spent a lot of time in hotels. These hotels were in counties where Fitness Centers were also ordered to close. Surprisingly enough, upon incessant requests, they were GRACIOUS enough to accommodate my request to “check out” dumbbells that were lying dormant in their fitness center.

Watch the video Hotel Review: DoubleTree Suites by Hilton Hotel Detroit Downtown – Fort Shelby | ACTIVE-DAD.


Supplement this light weight resistance training with making time to run til my heart’s content. I was well on my way to staying on track.

Because of my persistence to find a way , my goals of reducing my body fat percentage and inches on my hips were fully realized.  Your experience may have been different during this time, but I really want to know what YOUR experience is/was.


While in these hotels, I spent some down time obviously sleeping, watching The First 48, and Prioritizing Physical Activity. I don’t have cable T.V. at home, so watching The First 48 is out of the norm. It’s a T.V. documentary series that explores violent crimes and how they are solved. In the show, detectives always try to establish a suspect’s motive. Why did they murder the individual?

Ok, so this may appear to be WAY in left field, but allow me to bring it back. Motives are important. Extremely important. Motive is defined as “something (such as a need or desire) that causes a person to act”. I think you can see where I am going with this.

I want to establish YOUR motive. If your motive was weak, once your Fitness Center was shut down, you shut down too. You scrapped your 2020 goal(s). You decided it was impossible to stay at home, work, help with day care, AND Prioritize Physical Activity. Difficult, heck yes, impossible…HECK NOW! That’s where your motive picks up the slack.

What’s the point?

If nothing else, 2020 has reminded us that some things are just out of your control. Some of us need no reminder. The Fickle Finger of Fate didn’t just single you out.

You can control your immediate surroundings, your environment. You can control who you allow in your house and who you socialize with. To the point, you also control your motives.

COVID-19 was not foreseeable or within your control. But, your response to it…that was ALL you. Were your motive strong enough, deep rooted enough to allow you to pivot?

This year is not over yet y’all. Despite what you may see on social media, we don’t get a do over.

I need you to do three things:

  1. Ask yourself, how are you going to respond the rest of 2020?
  2. Grab a paper and pen and write your answers down, with specifics (i.e. I am going to take a walk every other day for thirty minutes at 7:30 a.m.).
  3. DO IT!

Stay Motivated! Stay Healthy!

Aren’t You Tired Of Talking About It? | National Running Day

Very few things come as natural as running. Actually, I’ll name two others…crawling and walking. You have kids so you know what I’m talking about. As soon as they get a handle on walking, they find so much joy out of taking off and running, FOR NO APPARENT REASON! My three-and-a-half-year-old daughter will take off running in the Safeway grocery store. In Target. Close to streets! That’s terribly scary at times. But it comes so natural to her. But when it’s structured and under supervision, it’s so fun to watch, encourage and join in.

My one-year old son just got his legs under him. So, he’s not getting anywhere fast. But I know my son. He is mischievous. He is destructive, in ways his sister never was. Hence, his moniker Tiras The Tyrant.  I know he is going to be a runner. So, in the spirit of National Running Day (#NationalRunningDay), like many times before, I will be taking my little ones on a run. Tiras will be in one of my favorite ACTIVE-DAD go-tos, the B.O.B. Jogging Stroller (#BOBdads).

 The first Wednesday in June, people across the U. S. participate in National Running Day. It a good day for beginners to begin a life-changing commitment to running.

Continue reading “Aren’t You Tired Of Talking About It? | National Running Day”