Fitness doesn’t have to be a chore.
Frank Clayton, Jr.
I had the absolute pleasure of meeting this Physical Activity Expert during the INAUGURAL, First Annual Fatherhood Summit hosted by Merritt College in Oakland, CA. Let me just say, as SOON as I got wind of a Fatherhood Summit in my area I was ALL IN! Their tagline “Celebrating and Honoring the Power of Fatherhood” ABSOLUTELY resonated with me.
There exists a real
deficit in Father-On-Father community support for father figures. Dads,
Fathers, Stepdads, whichever you identify with, there is an apparent lack of
support for US and we feel it every day and see the negative outcomes of a
FATHERLESS community. So, we must support each other. But I digress…I was first
introduced to Mr. Clayton, Jr. during his Health And Wellness discussion on
“Healthy Living On a Budget” during the Fatherhood Summit. Notable to me was
his demeanor, his comfort in front of strangers, but even more so, was his
F.A.M.I.L.Y. that were also involved. Since I arrived quite a bit early, I was
able to witness a well-dressed gentleman with an apparent infant, a wife and
toddler. I knew I was in the right place. Once the Workshop started, he took
center stage, gained command of the audience and engaged US with wife, toddler
and infant in tow. IMPRESSIVE!
Granted, Mrs. Clayton Jr., COMMANDED the offspring as Mr.
Clayton, Jr. did what he does best and taught his captivated audience what they
can do to take control of their health on a budget. NEVERTHELESS, the workshop
was a success and I was happy to invite Mr. Clayton, Jr., to be not only a featured
ACITVE-DAD, but our very first EXPERT!
I asked Frank Clayton, Jr., about his experience as an Every Day Active-Dad, with some EXPERT TIPS.
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