Sedentary Habits Are Learned. Prove Me Wrong!

Be Still! Sit down somewhere! No Running in the house! Stop being such a busybody!

I’m willing to bet you have yelled one of these go-to phrases at least once. My daughter might hear me utter these words several times in a day. The context is always important, but the truth of the matter is, we say these words more often than we think. We look at our kids and ask, “Where do they get all that energy?”.

That should be our first clue as to how we are all wired to GO! You don’t have to teach your kids how to be busy and rambunctious. They do that on their own.

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World Obesity Day

The “Official” World Obesity Day may have passed, but that does not mean we have move beyond the Clear and Present Danger of health of our time. Sure, there are sensational, sporadic events just about every other year. This condition remains a GINORMOUS problem. It is dull, yet insidious, and persistent. Because of this, it doesn’t get the attention it rightly deserves. People are quick to poke fun at it or poke fun at the people with this condition, but are unwilling to emphasize the underlying factors. Whether you like to hear it or not, obesity is preventable and treatable. We can, we must, take action now to break ourselves of our deadly routines.  

Eat, eat, eat. Sit, sit, sit. Day, after day, after day…OBESITY!


The Great american dream

You have strived to achieve the “Great American Dream”. This dream has been distorted into extended periods of sitting around and eating. You get up in the morning, eat cereal — which may be delicious—that is high in sugar. You chase that down with coffee that contains even more sugar. You get into your spacious Ford F-150, sit and drive to work. You get stuck sitting in traffic.

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