How Low Has Complacency Set Your Bar?

You have kept the bar pretty low. Complacency has done that to you. Your bar wasn’t always set this low. It happened over time. It is the result of you repeatedly settling for whatever you felt like at that moment. You must own it.

Of course, you don’t deserve ALL the credit. Those around you helped you along the way too. They would comfort you saying, “that’s ok” or asking, “why are you trying so hard?”.  They thought they were being good friends, good peoples. Heck, you were giving them an excuse not to try harder too.

Admittedly, sometimes you need that soft-landing place, some comforting. But only occasionally, otherwise you become as fluffy as a pillow, like now. This sounds vivid and eerily familiar to your life, it’s because I have been there.


How easy would it be to raise the bar, just ever so slightly? I’m not talking about an all-out overhaul. Not one of those bootcamps that you go to for three to five days that blasts your body, leaving you beat up and hurting, never to return for another boot camp for two weeks or longer. I’m talking one small step for mankind, one giant leap….errrr, scratch that. But seriously, one small step. Followed by another. And another. Until you have reached one mile, two miles, three, etc.

Time For A Challenge

When is the last time you challenged yourself? Just enough to be break out of the normal routine.

I’ve been introduced to Darren Hardy and his phenomenal message about building good habits through consistency. That should sound familiar to you from any of the ACTIVE-DAD material (check out The Physical Activity Snowball Effect). But this isn’t about me, or ACTIVE-DAD, this is about YOU!

For the second year in a row, Darren Hardy has started the 90 Day Summer Raven Run Challenge. Run/walk ONE mile or more each day and post your mileage in the comments here: DAY 1. It started June 15th. If you miss Day One, Two, or day 30, who cares. That’s not as important as getting started and keeping the motivation going.

You and I may have missed the boat for the start of this particular challenge, but the year is still young! You can join Darren Hardy, along with THOUSANDS of others committing to consistency…consistently running or walking at least ONE mile and posting it for accountability with #RavenRun.

Running/walking ONE mile a day for 90 days not for you?

Let’s make it even more simplistic. I challenge you to challenge yourself in not going a mile today, but Prioritizing Physical Activity ONE day a week, for 6 weeks. That’s it! The Active-Dad ONE DAY A WEEK Challenge. One day a week, you choose the day, you choose the activity for 60 minutes. You can raise the bar if you want to, but that’s up to you. In fact, it’s all up to you! Start with ONE DAY!

Garden for an hour, walk for an hour, ride your bike for an hour, push the lawn mower for an hour, go fishing for an hour…any activity that doesn’t put you on the couch for an hour, go do it!

Weekend Warrior circle

If the only day you think you can pull this off is on the weekend, join the Weekend Warrior Circle and challenge yourself ONE Saturday every week, to Prioritize Physical Activity. Have your family hold you accountable by scheduling a family bike ride every Saturday. Biking not your thing? You chose the Physical Activity or let your family weigh in!

Every Sunday since the summer has begun, I have committed to my family to take a hike somewhere, and I my wife has taken full control over the destination. She’s happy because we’re out of the house, my daughter’s happy because she has her hiking stick, my son’s happy because I’m carrying him the whole way, and I’m happy because we’re hitting the ACTIVE-DAD TriFecta; 1) Outdoors, 2) Prioritizing Physical Activity and 3) Together Spending Quality Time.


Commit To The Challenge!

One Day A Week

60 Minutes of Activity

Nobody can do it for you. But your family CAN help. Invite your family in on your plans so the can help you keep accountable. Nothing is more motivating than your four year old daughter being disapponted in for not keeping you word.

Also check out Darren Hardy and his book The Compound Effect.

Stay Motivated! Stay Healthy!