Ask An Active-Dad: Everyday Dad Edition with Steve Galvez

Connecting with Dads is one of the main values embedded in Active-Dad. A main proponent of the platform is showcasing Every Day Dads Prioritizing Physical Activity. Distractions and excuses are behind EVERY single corner, but until you learn to not only say “Health is Wealth”, but follow through, put Physical Activity into your daily routine and LIVE IT; all you did was just utter a catchy phrase without merit.

We have plenty of time in the day to make time for what is important to us.

Steve Galvez

As the saying goes, “RockStars Know RockStars”. Equally so, High Performers Gravitate Toward High Performers. When I first interacted with this individual, he was actually interviewing me for a position. Are you fortunate enough to know a person who is just easy to be around, genuinely likeable and can depend on as a person and as a professional? Well, he is that guy. So, when the GREAT NEWS broke that he and his wife were bringing a child into this world, I was overjoyed to welcome him to the club! He has been winning in life, pre-kid. I know he will continue his winning streak, post-kid. Take note, because here is how he is doing it.

I am excited to introduce Steve Galvez for this feature of Ask An Active-Dad: Every Day Dad Edition. I asked Steve about his experience as an Every Day Active Dad.

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How To Burn 2,000 calories in 99 minutes!

The second week of December, I set a personal goal of burning 2,000 calories in one cardio training session (we will call them “seshs” from here on out) in less than two hours. The first question that may pop into your head is, why? This was exactly my wife’s, JoAnna, response. My answer to that question would be, I do not know. The only reason I could think of is that over the past several months I have been consistently achieving the “1,000  Calorie Burn Club” (if one does not exist, I am starting one as you read!) in less than or equal to one hour of cardio (≤ for those who paid attention in math class), and I would follow with some weight lifting for about 30 minutes.

Maybe I was growing impatient with my results or I was inspired to take it up a notch, whatever it was, I decided to double up. Last week, I made some progress, but all in all, I FAILED.

Continue reading “How To Burn 2,000 calories in 99 minutes!”