Pass On An Inheritance of Heart Health | World Hypertension Day

Dads have the Health of their Family in their Hands.

My family history has a history of hypertension. Because of this, I’m at a higher risk for hypertension.  May 2020 is National Stroke Awareness Month (#StrokeMonth). Interestingly enough, World Hypertension Day (#WorldHypertensionDay) is on May 17.

This is the world asking you if you know where you stand. Do you have Hypertension?

What Is Hypertension?

Just like most medical terms, there is usually a common, more relatable term to describe it.

Poop = Feces

Microorganisms = Germs

Hypertension is the term used to describe High Blood Pressure. 

Freebie: Do you have a big fancy medical word that has an easier alternative? Leave it in the Comment section for a Free ACTIVE-DAD tee-shirt.

Why Should YOU Care?

High blood pressure increases your risk for heart disease, heart attack and stroke. Black men suffer the most. Forty one percent of black men have high blood pressure, 58% of those do not have it under control.

This should come as no surprise, but the lack of physical activity raises your risk for hypertension. Regular physical activity can help you keep a healthy weight, which may also help lower your blood pressure.

Are you overweight or obese? You my fellow—yet overweight—dad, are at higher risk for hypertension.

Family Business

Just like my family history puts me at a higher risk for hypertension, the same is true of your family history. However, you don’t know what you don’t know. You have to seek familial knowledge by asking. This may not be an option for you. My paternal side stops with my dad, his brothers and sisters. This has been the case since my birth. My maternal side, longevity reigns through and through (thank the Good Lord). 

Recording you history is equally important. Your family health history can help your health care practitioner provide better care for you. It can help identify whether you have higher risk for some diseases. It can help your health care practitioner recommend actions for reducing your personal risk of disease. And it can help in looking for early warning signs of disease.

Using the “My Family Health Portrait” tool will help you do just that; record your family history so you can relay it to your primary care provider.

All About The Kids

Hypertension in your adolescent kids is linked to health problems later in life. Sounds unheard of, but with Americans literally getting fatter (adolescent obesity at 18.5% , about 13.7 million children and adolescents).

So if you have hypertension, you are likely passing hypertension on to your kids due to genetics. Do you know one of the best ways to counter act you family history? Instilling in them the love for Physical Activity.

Check out “Because Our Kids Are Fatter Than Ever!“.

The health of your kids starts with you! The responsibility of keeping your child at a healthy weight with a normal blood pressure lies with you!

Kicking your kids out the house and forcing them to play outside is one way tactic that was employed in my childhood. I will do you one better, lead by example and go outdoors WITH THEM!

The family that Prioritizes Physical Activity together…you get the idea.

Soon enough, they’ll be too cool to be playing with you dad.

How do I know?

It’s quite simple. Go get your blood pressure checked! You know, that squishy, air pumpy device you put around your arm? That’s a blood pressure cuff. So, you can also go into most places that have a pharmacy attached to it and use their automated machine. Your local grocery store (Safeway, Publix, etc., drug store (CVS, Walgreens), or even Wal-Mart all have the machinery. All you have to do is take a seat, put one of your arms into the cuff and press the button.

Taking your own blood pressure can be slightly confusing, so for more on what to do before you check your blood pressure here. A digital reading of your blood pressure. BOOM! Want to take it a step further with more frequent monitoring, look into a Self-Measuring Blood Pressure Devices.

Keep on top of Hypertension by monitoring you blood pressure on a regular basis.

Now what?

If your blood pressure is within the healthy range, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! But don’t get complacent. If you have high blood pressure, LET’S GET TO WORK! Start with Prioritizing Physical Activity!

Just like obesity coupled with unhealthy behaviors like a sedentary lifestyle can mean an overall increase in hypertension, the opposite is true. Physical activity coupled other healthy behaviors reduces your risk for hypertension. Go figure! Who would’ve known!

The Heart Health of you AND your family is IN YOUR HANDS!

Let’s do it right! Let’s do it TOGETHER!

Stay Motivated! Stay Healthy!