Before you go overboard and overeat with second and third helpings these next few days, think like a smoker! Or better yet, think like a smoker who is trying or has tried to quit their deadly habit. Smoking is the leading preventable cause of disease and death in the U.S., responsible for about 1 in every 5 deaths. Just about any smoker will tell you, it is much easier to quit smoking if you never start. Likewise, it is much easier to lose the weight that you never gained, than it is to fight back to the pre-Holiday body.
Continue reading “Is It Easier To Quit Smoking Than It Is To Lose Weight?”The Physical Activity Snowball Effect
Have you ever seen a cartoon snowball? You know, the type that starts at the top of a snow packed mountain as a little ball, and as it rolls down the mountain the snow begins to accumulate. Eventually the snowball grows into a huge boulder and rolls over some character trying to escape it. Yes, I love cartoons, even now.
Dave Ramsey has made famous the Debt Snowball concept. I present to you the Physical Activity (or Fitness) Snowball EFFECT! How original right? Well, for those of you not familiar with the Debt version of the snowball, just pretend the Physical Activity Snowball concept is entirely new AND original and allow me to explain. On second thought, because I believe in your success in all aspects of life, including financial responsibility, go check it out for yourself…Debt Snowball.
How do you eat an ELEPHANT?
One bite at a time (at least that’s what they tell me). Some of us heard this time and time again. The concept and approach remain to be true when solving most big problems. One of North America’s biggest epidemics started as two small problems; 1) the consumption of unhealthy food options, and 2) the lack of physical activity.
Continue reading “The Physical Activity Snowball Effect”How To Burn 2,000 calories in 99 minutes!
The second week of December, I set a personal goal of burning 2,000 calories in one cardio training session (we will call them “seshs” from here on out) in less than two hours. The first question that may pop into your head is, why? This was exactly my wife’s, JoAnna, response. My answer to that question would be, I do not know. The only reason I could think of is that over the past several months I have been consistently achieving the “1,000 Calorie Burn Club” (if one does not exist, I am starting one as you read!) in less than or equal to one hour of cardio (≤ for those who paid attention in math class), and I would follow with some weight lifting for about 30 minutes.
Maybe I was growing impatient with my results or I was inspired to take it up a notch, whatever it was, I decided to double up. Last week, I made some progress, but all in all, I FAILED.
Continue reading “How To Burn 2,000 calories in 99 minutes!”Can You Promote Body Positivity AND Self Improvement?
The concept of “Body Positivity” has been around for some time now and it continues to grow in popularity. I admittedly was not aware of the concept until the EXTREMELY talented and relevant musical artist Lizzo put it on the map for me. Conversely, the ascension of the Body Positivity movement comes at a time that the developed world’s population is tipping the scales, literally, in terms of weight (We have NEVER been fatter). This so-called movement essentially promotes the acceptance of one’s body at any/every size.
The question is, can the concept of Body Positivity coincide with Promoting Physical Activity? This ain’t about what society, T.V., magazines or the movies thinks about what a “good body” is. This is about what science and the numbers continue to warn us of.
Continue reading “Can You Promote Body Positivity AND Self Improvement?”How To Use Physical Activity To DEFEAT Depression! #BeThe1To
In recognition of National Suicide Prevention Month (September), National Suicide Prevention Week (September 8 – 14, 2019) and WORLD Suicide Prevention Day (September 10th), it is time to talk about DEPRESSION!
What Is The Deal?
September is National Suicide Prevention Month. All month, mental health advocates, prevention organizations, survivors, allies, and community members unite to promote suicide prevention awareness.
National Suicide Prevention Week is the Monday through Sunday surrounding World Suicide Prevention Day. It’s a time to share resources and stories, as well as promote suicide prevention awareness.
World Suicide Prevention Day is September 10. It’s a time to remember those affected by suicide, to raise awareness, and to focus efforts on directing treatment to those who need it most.
You Can Run, But You Can’t Hide!
There is no hiding from depression these days. If money and materials equated to happiness, the citizens of these great United States would be the HAPPIEST people on the planet. Throughout my travels to some culturally rich places, some of the happiest people I have EVER seen, would be considered “poor” by our standards, having little to no possessions. What they did have, was EACH OTHER. Somehow, some way, people from around the developing world have mastered the art of being content. When modern society constantly bombards you with images of how you should look, what you should be wearing, what type of car you should be driving, how to spend money and how successful you should be before the age of 40 (40 Under 40 lists), 30 and so on, we could likely make a argument for correlation. But I digress. No matter its origin or who we try to blame for it, depression is real, and it is insidious.
Continue reading “How To Use Physical Activity To DEFEAT Depression! #BeThe1To”Confront Your Body Issues! #BeThe1To
In preparation for National Suicide Prevention Month (September), National Suicide Prevention Week (September 8 – 14, 2019) and WORLD Suicide Prevention Day (September 10th), it is LONG overdue to address some issues of Body Image that may dwell in the hearts and minds of men.
Continue reading “Confront Your Body Issues! #BeThe1To”How To Inspire Others!
When you walk the walk, don’t be surprised when you see others get inspired.
How do you get motivated?
What are your sources of motivation? I rely on many sources of motivation, one of which is David Goggins. If you do not know who David Goggins is, he is known for his no nonsense, no excuse approach in overcoming a weak mindset. About a month ago I was watching a video shot by David Goggins giving pointers on how he builds muscle endurance and how to incorporate it throughout the day. Anyways, this approach in particular was called “Ins-and-Outs”. Basically, upon entering any structure with a doorway, you drop down and complete a set of push-ups. This could be 5 to 10 push-ups, more if you are feeling froggy. This would be the “Ins” portion. The same idea goes for the “Outs”. Before or after you exit a doorway, you drop down and complete a set of push-ups. Simple enough!
This resonated with me because one of my goals for 2019 is to increase the maximum number of push-ups I can complete. I was inspired to jump right in with the Ins-and-Outs. I did so not knowing how it would impact others.
Continue reading “How To Inspire Others!”What Is The Most Important Thing To You In Your Life?
What Is Most Important To YOU?
Have you asked yourself this question lately? What is the most important thing to you in your life? If you answered, “My Family”, then you are like most family men out there. We get married and have children, not to neglect them, but to grow and nurture that them.
“If you are travelling with a child or someone who requires assistance, secure your mask on first, and then assist the other person.”
Flight Attendant
As fathers, we lose sleep at night on how we are going to provide for the needs of our families. As you established those needs and progress out of the stages of self-preservation, providing food and shelter, we then focus on security. By security, I do not mean physical security. Having shelter for your family provides a certain type of security. Additionally, there are inexpensive ways to provide physical security these days. However, what I mean here is long term security, which may include financial or security through health and well-being. These types of security afford our offspring future OPPORTUNITIES and OPTIONS.
Continue reading “What Is The Most Important Thing To You In Your Life?”Ask An Active-Dad: Expert Edition with Diogo Gomes (BJJ Black Belt)
ALL DADs can relate
We have all heard the adage, “opposites attract”. No matter how much today’s society tries to deny the laws of attraction, somethings are just instinctive. This may not ring true for ALL couples, but I would be willing to bet most couples are composed of one outgoing person and the other, not-so-much. If it is not overly apparent, I am the introvert in the family. When your wife is the social one in the relationship and coordinates play dates with the local mommy groups, dad is stuck with whoever the wife and kid hit it off with at the playground.
Continue reading “Ask An Active-Dad: Expert Edition with Diogo Gomes (BJJ Black Belt)”Find Yourself a Rabbit!
Imagine…WHAT IF motivation was a tangible object, say a homogeneous liquid. WHAT IF there was a formula to which motivation could be created. If motivation could be manufactured, bottled, and found on the shelves of a grocer near you, there is little doubt that it would be almost impossible to keep in stock. Imagine if there was a home recipe for motivation, that you could whip up in your very own kitchen when you were in short supply. How AMAZINGLY FANTASTIC that would be!
Continue reading “Find Yourself a Rabbit!”