If you STILL Haven’t Started, Just SHUT UP Already!

No more talking about Prioritizing Physical Activity. Now is the time to start! Safely...

I may be hangry from my intermittent fasting or just irritable after working 21 straight nights, half of which were 12 hour shifts. Regardless, I am not mincing words. I am going all in!

The whole world has been ordered to Shelter In Place—of some form or another—by our governing officials. The majority of you have taken that ordinance and have decided to conveniently use that as your reason to DO NOTHING.  Let’s be honest, you didn’t really need an excuse. If it wasn’t this excuse, it would have been another. You see, you are FULL of excuses (among other things). No amount of “Work From Home” or “Free time” would have ever been sufficient for you to Prioritize Physical Activity. You know why, because it starts with YOU and YOU don’t really want to change. You are satisfied with being one of the 40% plus of males either overweight or obese. You are comfortable with your lifestyle as is. Well, It’s Time To Move Beyond Comfort! Being a dad is not your issue. Time is not your issue. YOU are your issue.

You can make excuses or you can make progress. You choose.

Brian Tracy

12 Straight Nights of 12 Hour Shifts

This post is not about me or how fantastic I am, but it is about perspective. I just worked 12 straight nights on 12 hour shifts. Guess how many days I did not Prioritize Physical Activity? ZERO! I scheduled a rest day every four days, so I was intentional about my rest days. But when I got back to my room around 7 AM after my 12 hour shift, I took an hour to get settled, went to sleep for about six hours and I got right back up to start my day with PHYSICAL ACTIVITY.  I admit, I may be addicted to Physical Activity. It’s the way it makes me feel. (Check out A Stimulus Package That will Make You Feel Good)

You would be addicted too if you would just commit to it consistently. Heck my entire household is addicted! So much so, when there is a change in our routine, we tend to panic. The panic this time around was “Oh crap, my gym is closed!”. This is a learned behavior. Unfortunately, you have learned the opposite behavior.

You excuse your sloth under the pretext of difficulty

This subheading is adapted from a quote from Marcus Fabius Quintilian. And how fitting it is for you. You have been ALL TALK for some time now. You know it, and so do we! So save your breathe and just SHUT UP! You ain’t gonna Prioritize Physical Activity. Because you had had PLENTY of time. Your gym is closed…SO WHAT! TAKE A HIKE! Or just shut up and get back to counting yourself among the 40 percenters. The Mayor told me to Stay At Home…SO WHAT! You know you can go outside at anytime to get physical. Oh no, but you like excuses. Excuses make bowing out of confronting your weakness really easy to do.

Just admit defeat and be quiet about why you can’t go for a brisk walk because it’s too cold outside (it’s called BRISK for a reason). Be quiet about how you can’t hop on a bike and try going around the block one week, then two blocks the next week, and three blocks the next week…Lather, Rinse, Repeat.

Shut up about how your day revolves around kids and you barely have time to take a poop and whip your butt. Kids go to sleep at night, don’t they? Kids are still asleep 4:30 a.m. aren’t they? And if you have to get up earlier than that, SO WHAT! Put up or SHUT UP! And please do SHUT UP! We are all tired of hearing it. If you haven’t been able to see the silver lining in the current status of our nation, it is because you prefer not to look for it. You have plenty of time. You had time before this too. Time is not your problem. You don’t need washboard abs. You don’t need bulging biceps. What you need is your health. What you need is to be around for your kids, their kids, and maybe even their kids. Furthermore, you need to be around with a life of high quality. Not one that your kids need to push you around in a wheel chair because you did not put health higher on your list of priorities.

What’s The Point?

Did this post come off a bit harsh? Well good! The fact is, we all just got a massive smack of reality. All our lives were altered in March 2020. Yours, mine and the rest of the world. For the most part, the hustle and bustle of life either completely stopped for you or slowed to a crawl. How much of that was within your control?

As a dad, your stress level likely increased; having to juggle work responsibilities, parent responsibilities and maybe even teacher/daycare duties. If all you did was “grin and bear it” with no outlet, you’re about to blow! It’s time to change up tactics. You don’t have direct control over every decision our governing officials make, but you darn sure have control of yourself.

You have time to focus on yourself. You have time for some stress relief. If you have to get permission from the misses, DO IT! (check out #LetUSBeGreat! CHALLENGE – How To Gain Support from your Significant Other) For the sake of your mental health, for the sake of your physical health, for the sake of your family…DO IT!

If we can help, let us know! No more talking.

No more talking about Prioritizing Physical Activity. Now is the time to start!
Shut Up all the Talk! It’s time for Action!