If you have taken the steps to build wealth, you literally have the foundation for building health. What do I mean by that?
The concepts are identical.
Step by step, methodical discipline is needed for both.
Here’s how they align:
- Tracking your income is the same as knowing how much calories you are consuming.
- Tracking the income you spend is the same as knowing how much calories you burn (PRIORITIZE PHYSICAL ACTIVITY!).
- Making sure you save some of your income is the same as building up your loses to earn a cheat day.
- Consulting a credible professional or learning how to make wise investments is the same as getting a personal trainer/coach.
You already have the tools! You just need to apply the same concept from your wallet to your waistline.
Get Healthier, Get Wealthier!
The longer you live, the more potential you have to earn. As you get better at what you do to earn money, the more you can demand top dollar. Your procrastination in Prioritizing Physical Activity is literally making you POOR DAD.
Whether it’s earning a wage or running your own business, your longevity increases your WEALTH.
What’s the one tried and true way—that you have at least some control over—to live a longer life of quality? HEALTH!
Are You Fit For Health?
Sure, there are some men out there who are overweight or obese and have the money to make it disappear. These men don’t want to address the real issue. They want to continue to live a sedentary lifestyle and somehow be healthy too.
These men are missing the point. These men are not fit for health. These men will continue their cycle of bad habits and quick fixes. The children of these men may also inherit these bad habits.
What Do You Want To Pass On?
Prioritizing Physical Activity brings you Health. Health brings you Longevity. Longevity brings you Wealth. As much as we try not to address it, the decisions we make today affect you and our family. Just as your childhood experiences shaped you, so shall your children’s experiences shape them.
Your unhealthy habits catch up with you, and just like your kids will be stuck with the bill for that unpaid mortgage or your failure to plan ahead and get life insurance, your kids will have to be your care taker, sooner, rather than later.
When they should be focused on raising their own kids, or starting their own families, they will have to take care of dad because he just couldn’t find the time or was too tired after work to Prioritize Physical Activity. How selfish!
Where Do You Start?
Just like in building wealth, it’s never too late to start, but the sooner the better. The sooner you start saving a portion of what you earn and making smart investments, the quicker your wealth will grow.
Likewise, the sooner you start Prioritizing Physical Activity, the sooner you will reap the benefits. The health benefits are almost IMMEDIATE. Now, I’m not talking about Six Pack Abs in 5 Days Flat, Immediate. I’m talking about that FEEL GOOD FEELING, Immediate. Add to that an increase in blood flow and circulation and just like that, you’re on your way to health with wealth bringing up the rear.
Start today. Start now. You don’t have to over do it! In fact, I want you to keep the bar low (check out How Low Bar of Complacency Set Your Bar?). Start with an easy win! Start with ONE day a week, whatever physical activity you choose, for 60 minutes.
What’s In It For You?
Well, if you haven’t been paying attention, I’m promising you more money here! As much riches as you can possibly earn in a lifetime. Not directly, but indirectly. Think about how much more you will be able to enjoy experiences as you grow older, as long as you have your health.
If you’re enjoying financial security now, think about the foundation of wealth you will be building with more time to accumulate more assets, all the while knowing your kids’ financial security will be safe, because of YOU, RICH DAD!
A wise proverb says, “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children, but the sinner’s wealth is laid up for the righteous.”.
You just need to apply the concepts you already use for budgeting to extend your money to extend your health and ultimately your wealth! And it all starts with PRIORITZING PHYSICAL ACTIVITY.
So let’s build our HEALTH, so we can build our WEALTH, TOGETHER!