7 Kid Approved Physical Activites You Must Do This Week

Black Active-Dad hiking with Deuter Child Carrier Backpack and daugter

If you were looking for an excuse NOT to Prioritize Physical Activity, you have come to the wrong place. Instead I’m here to give you SEVEN reasons why you SHOULD Prioritize Physical Activity this week. You have seven days to observe National Exercise With Your Child Week; why not have different activities?

Heck, I’ll even outline the activities for you!

Or better yet, sit down with your miniature clone and ask him/her what exercises they want to do with you. Get them involved. I did, and this is what she planned for us.

Elliora’s Top Exercise Picks

Day 1: Dancing

Day 2: Dancing

Day 3: Dancing

Day 4: Danc….

I’m just kidding. A list full of dancing is what I was expecting, but here is her real list.

Day 1: Squats

Day 2: Jumping Jacks

Day 3: Foot race

Day 4: Dancing

Day 5: Burpees

Day 6: Running In Place

Day 7: Hiking (“except when going down slippery hills and I fall and hurt myself”)

Kids Love physical activity too

I was surprised by her first pick. As you can see, my daughter keeps it moving! I’m willing to wager that she would not be so enthused about Physical Activity had it not been for our consistent influence, but we’ll never know. We are who we are. Because of that, I’d dare to say she is who she is. At least at this early stage in her life, she’s all about getting moving.

Every Sunday since late May 2020, we have taken our two kids on a hike. The hikes vary anywhere from 1.5 to 3 miles. The hikes are occasionally strenuous, but both our kids have grown to anticipate them.

Tiras of course digs “going on a hike” because he gets to sit atop his shaded thrown on my back. He gets giddy when he sees me break out the Deuter child carrier hiking backpack.

Elliora has become quite the hiker in her own right. As long as we apply plenty of positive encouragement, liberal praises, she will hike most of the trails.

join the movement

As much as I think my Active-Fam rocks, it not about them. My wife and I have already set the wheels in motion. It’s about you and YOUR family.

It’s your turn. Ask your son or daughter (or both) to pick an exercise a day and spend some time doing them together.

Make it a challenge. Make it a contest. My daughter has a competitive spirit like I have never seen. Occasionally, we will foot race in the backyard. She is SO competitive, there was a time when we were doing short sprints and the ground was wet from me watering the plants. My little 35 pound, 3.5 year old, tried to trip me up (mid race) and found herself sliding in the mud. She laughed it off saying “I wanna win!”.

Before I put her to bed every night, the first one upstairs gets to say the prayers. I beat her occasionally and she throws a fit! The point is, make it challenging. Make it competitive. Make it fun.

Join the Challenge

How will you challenge yourself today? How about this week? Start small: One day, 60 minutes of Physical Activity. That’s it. Challenge Your Child: bring them along or get them involved. Check out How Low Has Complacency Set Your Bar?

Do challenges make you anxious? That’s ok, just make a committment to yourself and to your family; JUST DO IT TODAY!

All dads should be ACTIVE-DADs.