I have heard this more times than I care to count. Each time I hear it, I cringe, internally. Maybe you have even uttered this once or twice. Possibly trying to be funny, using humor to soften the blow of the truth. “Because I’m FAT and LAZY”. It is one thing to admit your shortcomings and own up to them, it’s another to find comfort in them.
Consider the tone and context of this conversation:
Physical Activity Contemplator: You look like you’re in good shape.
ACTIVE-DAD: I definitely have room to improve, but I appreciate it.
Physical Activity Contemplator: You don’t have any kids, do you?
ACTIVE-DAD: I have two.
Physical Activity Contemplator: How do you find the time to work out?
ACTIVE-DAD: Like anything else, if it’s important to you, you’ll find a way.
Physical Activity Contemplator: I can’t do that.
ACTIVE-DAD: Why not?
Physical Activity Contemplator: Because I’m fat and lazy.
ACTIVE-DAD: Have you tried waking up early and knocking it out before work.
Physical Activity Contemplator: I’m not a morning person.
ACTIVE-DAD: How about after work?
Physical Activity Contemplator: I’m way too tired after work.
ACTIVE-DAD: How about on the weekends?
Physical Activity Contemplator: I like to relax on the weekends.
ACTIVE-DAD: Hey, maybe you are right afterall.
Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t—you’re right.
Henry Ford
From contemplator to active-dad
If you have already thrown in the towel, this message may not be for you. But, if you’ve been on a verge of a change, ready to come to terms with reality, KEEP READING!
I have heard too many dads admit defeat, without ever really trying. That’s not a time issue, the issue is that your desire is not there. Your WHY is not defined enough. Your WHY is the glue that not only holds all the important factors together, but your WHY is what ignites your motivation!

When the motivation fades, no worries, you have already formed a habit. Before that habit was formed, you built in discipline by consistently sticking to the task of Priortizing Physical Activity. Before you started brick by brick, task by task, you had a reason WHY.
Find your reason
No one can define YOUR why for you. No one can make something that isn’t important to you, magically become your highest priority.
Why do you want to Prioritize Physical Activity? Is it for that fleeting beach body? Or is it to “tip the scale” back in favor of health and wellness.
Without a deep WHY, you wont have what it takes to conquer whatever obstacles that will inevitably come your way.
what ARE your obstacleS?
Your Gym closed because a catastrophic pandemic hit your country, state and city? Time to give up? NOPE!
You have to wear a face covering at all times at your gym, making physical exertion more difficult! Time to give up! NEGATIVE GHOST RIDER!
You work 60+ hours a week, going 38 hours without solid sleep, only getting sleep four nights a week; time to give up, right? Absolutely not!
You have to work from home, holding meetings, calls and extensive reviews, all the while having to keep an eye and ear out for the kids. Will you cancel your lunch time runs? You bet your behind NOT.
Speaking simply facts; no one is going to do the work for you. It wouldn’t be as rewarding if they did. You know you’re pass the point of merely thinking about taking action. You’re ready for action!
Better health + longer life + better quality = greater earning potential multiplied by deeper pockets
Simple math, RIGHT!?!?
There’s no need for it to be overwhelming. Take it slow. One day a week, one Physical Activity, for 60 minutes. Check out How Low Has Complacency Set Your Bar? and join the CHALLENGE!
Hard pressed for time during the week, join the Weekend Warrior Circle.
You draw on different sources for motivation. We all do. Let ACTIVE-DAD be a source for you.
All dads should be ACTIVE-DADs.