Ask An Active-Dad: Everyday Dad Edition with Steve Galvez

Connecting with Dads is one of the main values embedded in Active-Dad. A main proponent of the platform is showcasing Every Day Dads Prioritizing Physical Activity. Distractions and excuses are behind EVERY single corner, but until you learn to not only say “Health is Wealth”, but follow through, put Physical Activity into your daily routine and LIVE IT; all you did was just utter a catchy phrase without merit.

We have plenty of time in the day to make time for what is important to us.

Steve Galvez

As the saying goes, “RockStars Know RockStars”. Equally so, High Performers Gravitate Toward High Performers. When I first interacted with this individual, he was actually interviewing me for a position. Are you fortunate enough to know a person who is just easy to be around, genuinely likeable and can depend on as a person and as a professional? Well, he is that guy. So, when the GREAT NEWS broke that he and his wife were bringing a child into this world, I was overjoyed to welcome him to the club! He has been winning in life, pre-kid. I know he will continue his winning streak, post-kid. Take note, because here is how he is doing it.

I am excited to introduce Steve Galvez for this feature of Ask An Active-Dad: Every Day Dad Edition. I asked Steve about his experience as an Every Day Active Dad.

  1. What is your physical fitness background? Did you play sports growing up? Were you physically active throughout your life or is this a new learned habit/behavior? I grew up playing baseball until I headed off to college, that was the main sport I played.  I did it all year between various teams.  When I was a freshman in high school, I started lifting weights and that has mostly continued until now.  Staying physically fit was something that I wanted to always do, and the gym was a place to relax.
  2. What is your profession and what does your daily schedule consist of?I have a desk job, so I am mainly in an office from 7-4pm daily.  I have had a sit/stand desk for at least 7 years.  During some of those years, I also used an exercise ball to sit on while at the office.  I felt it helped me with my posture when I would sit at my desk.  A couple years ago I also purchased an electric sit/stand desk for my home office.  As far at the gym, I am able to workout early in the morning before heading to work, sometimes I have to fit it in after coming home from work.  When we located to the Seattle area about 6 months ago, we decided to finish off our home gym.  The Peloton bike and padded floor were the last additions.  Our home gym is in the garage and also consists of Bowflex dumbbells, 2-30lb kettlebells, 2-8lb dumbbells, 2-12lb dumbbells, 2-3lb dumbbells, a 50lb sandbag, weighted jump rope, and weighted vest.
  3. How big is your immediate family and how old are your children? There are 3 of us total, my wife and I just welcomed a baby girl in October 2019.
  4. Are your wife and kids physically active? If so, how so? My wife grew up playing soccer up until college, very similar to how I played baseball growing up.  When we decided to move here right before she gave birth, we knew that the home gym was going to help us both.  The gym has really helped, and she also utilizes the jogging stroller to take the baby out with her when the weather is nice.  Nice weather is not a given up here in the Pacific Northwest.
  5. Throughout your stages of fatherhood, what are some things you just could not do without to stay consistently active? For example, when your child was an infant, what did you use to keep you going? When your child became a toddler, a pre-schooler, etc. Currently, I could not do without the baby monitor.  I can workout in the gym while she sleeps and still keep an eye on her.  I do plan to utilize the jogging stroller soon.
  6. What motivates you to prioritize physical activity?
    I am 36, not a spring chicken, so I just want to be able to chase my daughter around when she begins to get more active.  Do not want to blow out a knee trying to keep up with her.  There are also some fitness requirements I need to keep up with for my job.
  7. What have been your biggest challenges in prioritizing physical activity? (If you can, break it down in stages of fatherhood) How did you overcome them? Our daughter is only 4 months, the first month was a blur.  I do not think that I worked out during the first 30 days.  It was very difficult to get her on a schedule and sleep was tough during that first month.  Once she got on a good schedule, it has become much easier to workout.  It is just a matter of waking up before the family so I can get my workout in before work.  Then my wife can workout when I get home from work, if she was not able to do so during the day.
  8. What is the biggest reason for your success in prioritizing physical activity and why? Home gym and also seeing my dad continue to workout into his 60s.  Without the home gym, I would have to do a 40 minutes roundtrip drive for the gym.  Now it just requires me to go into the garage.  My dad is the one who introduced me to the gym and lifting weights.  When I was a kid, I remember him always being faster than me.  I just need to remain faster than my daughter or any boy I need to chase away as she gets older.
  9. What impact has physical activity had on your life? I met my wife at the gym, we had actually met before in college.  But it was well after college that we ran into each other at the gym and we have not looked back since.  I attribute the gym to the reason I am here with her and our daughter now. 
  10. What suggestions would you give to people who say they “don’t have time for physical activity” and how do they stay motivated?
    I would suggest that they list out priorities and then figure out how to make time for them.  We have plenty of time in the day to make time for what is important to us.  It is important that we look at all goals, short and long term.  Living a health life is one of my short and long terms goals, which is why finding time is always on my to-do list.  
  11. Where can people find you/follow you? You can follow my family and our journey through my wife’s (Heather) perspective at

What’s Your Point?

I just want to be able to chase my daughter around when she begins to get more active.

Steve Galvez

The SECRET IS OUT! That secret is, THERE IS NO SECRET TO THIS! Whether you are an EXPERT (check out Ask An Active-Dad: Expert Edition with Frank Clayton, Jr.), or just an EVERY DAY DAD, the rules remain the same. Like Steve said, “list out priorities and then figure out how to make time for them.”.

Steve is getting it down, with a newborn in the house! Arguably some of the most stressful times of fatherhood. If you need some tips on how to show your wife that PRIORITIZING PHYSICAL ACTIVITY will bring value to the whole family, check out How To Gain Support From Your Significant Other, and have her check out Heather’s page.

Find some tools and some sources of motivation. First thing’s first, and that is… GETTING STARTED!

Time-Management and Commitment is UP TO YOU!

Prioritize Physical Activity!

All dads should be ACTIVE-DADs!