3 Things You Need To Prepare for When Staying Active On Vacation

Time away from work is always a blessing. It is a chance to break away from your routine and distance yourself from work stressors. Early morning runs are fantastic ways to stay active and not affect your sightseeing itinerary. I consider it an absolute privilege to have ran in Italy and Japan (pre-Fatherhood), South Africa, Thailand, Zambia, Botswana and Peru. If you want to experience a country from a different perspective, GET UP AND GET GOING before the suns comes up.  Before people get fully in to their day, GO FOR A RUN! (jog, brisk walk, hike, hop, jump, skip…). Pack a poncho and leave no excuse to bow out.

1. The Sights, the Sounds and the SMELLS

Before the sun comes up in Thailand, before the food vendors line jam packed along the sidewalks in Bangkok, they are up in full preparation mode. You can smell the delicious aromas and see the vendors stirring. The century eggs, Som Tam (green papaya salad) or Tom Yum Goong (Spicy Shrimp Soup).  If you weren’t hungry before the run, you surely will be afterwards.  In Italy, you may find other runners navigating the streets of Rome. Run pass the Colosseum and you have ruins and excavation sites around EVERY corner. Your quick run may easily turn into 1+ hours because there is SO MUCH TO SEE (leaving your wife aggravated and waiting for you to return 😊). In Japan, you may attract a crowd of young school aged boys and girls in formal uniforms when you stop and do calisthenics, wondering who you may (or may not) be. In Zambia, take a bike tour through the villages. It will give you the opportunity to interact with every day folks and some excited kids. Hike Table Mountain in Cape Town and see South Africa from a bird’s eye view.


Dogs are attracted to runners. Especially if they do not ever see them. I have been accosted by big dogs, and small dogs, more times than I can count (the smalls ones always have something to prove). I quickly learned to run with protection…one rock in each hand. More dangerous than that, two or more dogs together. Avoid a pack of dogs at all costs! So, choose your route carefully. If it looks iffy, do not take a chance. I eventually upgraded my rocks to a Benchmade folding knife. However, dogs quickly recognize the throwing movement and it is EXTREMELY effective. Have I scared you off yet?

3. Have FUN

Ok, we all know that if you do not enjoy doing whatever IT is, you are not likely to be consistent in doing it. Find the physical activity that fits you and, pack your luggage accordingly (See the WOOT article), and do IT! Traveling abroad and taking vacations always includes consuming different foods and drinks, and that is a part of the fun. Understand that you are likely to go over your typical daily caloric intake, just try not to overdo it. If you can keep up some form of physical activity on vacation, you are winning! And you may even be able to fit in to your pants once you get back to reality and feel good about yourself.

It’s not rocket science y’all. You can enjoy your vacation AND stay active! By setting some time aside in the morning for physical activity, making hikes a part of your trip or planning sightseeing activities that incorporate physical activity, you will come back refreshed, enriched and still able to fit in your clothes!