WUHAN!!! Got You All In Check! | Gym Etiquette During COVID-19

Disinfecting Wipes Label

As soon as the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) was identified as originating from Wuhan, a city in China, and constantly in news coverage…Busta Rhymes’s 1996 hit came to mind. This was arguably Busta Rhymes in his prime; both music career and physical shape.

If you show up to your fitness center, you are likely to notice a thinning of patrons. I can’t figure out whether this is due to the time change and losing an hour (I’m an early riser), or the mass panic surrounded around COVID-19 pandemic.

Is it COVID-19 or have your New Year’s Resolution gone OFF TRACK!?!?

If you’re not going to the gym out of an abundance of caution, don’t give up on Prioritizing Physical Activity unnecessarily. You Can Take Your Gym Membership and SHOVE IT! AND take your physical activity outdoors! No one will be breathing, coughing or sneezing on you, and if people get too close, YOU CAN RUN AWAY! (or briskly walk) 😊 Some things are just out of your control, and it is important to recognize it. Just as important is how you react to those circumstances that are out of your control.

Wipe down your equipment before you use it and after.


In the same token, if you are in somewhat good health, don’t have any underlying conditions (heart disease, diabetes, lung disease), and not elderly (65 years or older), you are not at a high risk of getting seriously sick from COVID-19. But just because you are not likely to get “REALLY” sick, does not mean you won’t get sick. I don’t want to be sick AT ALL regardless of the severity!

Additionally, you can’t be an ACTIVE-DAD, unless you are first a dad. That means you have kids. Protecting them is always one of the highest priorities. You may not get hit hard by a virus, but they are likely to be impacted differently. I have a one-year old toddler. Although he’s a BIG healthy boy, the last thing I want is him to get sick.

Higher than normal stress levels are linked to getting sick. It is hard to be anxious if you physically exhausted from physical activity.


The gym can be a place of close proximity with individuals, sharing of equipment, and sometimes fluids!

So, some precautions are warranted.

Proper Gym Etiquette:

These may sound commonplace for some, but for others it may be a New News. Regardless, we can all use a refresher.

  1. WASH YOUR HANDS FREQUENTLY: Wash your hands with soap and water, frequently . Regardless of access to hand sanitizer. Duh, I know. What I mean by frequently, I mean more than 10 times a day. That’s an arbitrary number not backed by any scientific data, but I use it to illustrate that your typical “after you go to the restroom” is not enough. Wash your hands when you come and wash your hands when you go. You use your hands when you grab a barbell. You use your fingers when you press the buttons on the treadmill. We are handsy people. If you wash your hands one time, do it after the gym and as soon as you get inside your destination, specifically arriving home. Protect your family!
  2. WIPE DOWN SURFACES: Any fitness center worth its salt will either have moistened sanitizer wipes, or a spray bottle that contains diluted sanitizer used to saturate a dry paper towel and apply to any hard or nonporous piece of equipment. This is typically positioned throughout the facility. USE IT! It is there for a reason. Wipe down your equipment before you use it and after. If they do not have any sanitizer available or are currently out, bring this to the staffer’s attention. If this is not common practice for your facility, GO SOMEWHERE ELSE! Or, attack the great outdoors. It’s free.
  3. BARRIER OF PROTECTION: If for some reason your gym does not have #2, they are out of stock or they just don’t want to provide them (and you choose to stay because they are the cheapest act in town), create a barrier between you and the pieces of equipment. Wear weight lifting gloves (NOT LATEX GLOVES! That would be a HOT MESS.). If you are into barbells, dumbbells, or kettle bells (or any other type of BELL), use gloves. The most effective type would be the gloves with enclosed fingers. The cut off fingers are better than nothing, just be cognizant of your finger placement. Cloth towels make a fantastic barrier on pieces of equipment with large surface areas that you will have extended contact with large portions of you body. For example, a bench for your back or a seat for your bum.

For more on surviving you gym experience, and not pissing anyone off, check out the Top 4 Things NOT To Do In The Gym in 2020.


Your smartphone, it’s a personal, portable filth transporter that you take with you every where; into the restroom while you’re pooping, into the kitchen while you’re cooking. You put it to your face, around your mouth and ears. Your daughter likes to watch CoComelon on this viral chocho train when she’s waiting with you in public spaces. Your son grabs your microorganism magnetic and tries to put it in his mouth. If it has cracks in it, even more places for the yuckies to hide and grow. Your audiovisual germ cargo ship should be cleaned AT LEAST once a day. Well, you are in luck. The wipes you used on the equipment in #2 can be used on your phone. Two birds, one germ! (More like MILLIONS!)


Uncertainty often creates anxiety. Panicking and shutting down will not make the current situation go away. Do yourself a favor, relieve some stress and get your heart rate up! Higher than normal stress levels are linked to getting sick. It is hard to be anxious if you physically exhausted from physical activity. Stay informed but take steps to keep current events from overwhelming you. Get off the couch, turn off the news and GET MOVING!



4 thoughts on “WUHAN!!! Got You All In Check! | Gym Etiquette During COVID-19”

  1. Using great hand hygiene to maintain good health while at the gym or in other public places during the Corona virus craze and thereafter. Also, perhaps a great practice to try to keep hands out of face. I got a little laugh also thinking we need stay out of spit flying zones during conversations. Step 4 Wuhan paces back please Lol

  2. Thanks for the awesome advice. When you also have active kids it can get a rather challenging.

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