Why Did You Give Up?

At what point did you give up? Is there a defining moment in your life that you can look back on and say; this was the moment that I gave up. Or was it a gradual descent? You became a dad and welcomed your child into this world. Your life began to revolve around him. The early morning wake ups. The inconsistent sleep patterns. The stress of constant crying. You began eating when and whatever you could get your hands on, often takeout; because cooking for yourself or expecting your wife to was just out of the question.

Your precious daughter will see how you approach life and be influenced by it.


Was it a seemingly joyous occasion that turned out to have unforeseen consequences? Was it a promotion at work? New responsibilities that required you to change your routine or previous lifestyle.   

Your dad passed away and you dealt with it by eating or slowly beginning to care less about your own mortality. Your wife had a miscarriage, turning your world upside down. Your household in shambles from the frigid cold of depression.

Do you look in the mirror and just wonder how you’ve gotten this far outta wack? Let’s not even talk about stepping on the scale. Or have you gotten to a point where you’ve convinced yourself that what you see, the fat body, the gut, the love handles, the saddlebags, the droopy man breasts, are somehow normal. After a long day, all you really want to do is eat dinner, get the kids in bed and couch surf until it’s time to go to bed. Then you do it all over again. So you continue accept this as your life.


As much as I am talking to you, I am really talking to myself too! I have peered in to the mirror with disgust with what was staring back. I have made those same excuses. I have watched as my pants no longer fit, having to buy a larger size, all the while creating some rationale that it was ok. Well, it is NOT ok! It is NOT ok to sit idly by and just allow life to turn you into something you don’t recognize. It’s NOT ok to allow preventable chronic issues and diseases to disable you because you gave up! You don’t get to throw in the towel.

In DAD life, the rounds continue whether you like it or not; whether you’re ready or not.


In DAD life, the rounds continue whether you like it or not; whether you’re ready or not. You’re just taking L’s all along the way. You may not have an infectious disease, but YOU ARE contagious. Your attitude; contagious. Your outlook on life ; contagious. Your spirit; contagious. You are HIGHLY transmissible. The same goes with your habits. You, DAD, set the tone for the family. Your precious daughter will see how you approach life and be influenced by it. You risk her acquiring that defeated spirit, or seeking men who have it, because that what she knows…FROM YOU! SNAP OUT OF IT!