What To Expect When Your Gym ReOpens

Gyms will reopen soon and continuous disinfecting will be key.

Your fitness center may have already opened, if not, it will be soon. As much as we would all like things to go right back to normal, the way things once were, you should lower your expectations. You should also be cautious with any fitness facility that does go right back to normal.

You want a facility that has your health and wellness at heart. This should go without saying, because your health and wellness should be at the core of the establishment.

Surprisingly enough, that is not always the case. The bottom line is their bottom line, not your bottom line (see what I did there?). Fitness facilities are running a business. That business has been hurting since. The facilities that had capital reserves to cushion the blow of being shutdown will emerge from these circumstances better off then your local pop up shop. But that’s another story.

In all probability, the more established facilities will have thought through what reopening for business will look like when their patrons return. They will likely have procedures in place.

Corporate fitness centers will have the time and the resources to properly train their employees. They will also be able to withstand a increase in their expenses to conduct proper sanitation and keep appropriate disinfectants supplies stocked.

Side note: If you don’t frequent a fitness center and the shut down has MOTIVATED you to join, check out Top 4 Things NOT To Do In The Gym In 2020 so you don’t end up being “That Guy”.

hold your horses!

Not to get too deep into the weeds, but once COVID-19 cases and related symptoms maintain a downward trajectory for a 14 day period—along with other criteria— The White House Guidelines for Opening Up America Again states GYMS can open if they adhere to strict physical distancing and sanitation protocols. Local conditions will influence the decisions that public health officials make regarding when your community fitness centers get the green light to reopen.

My very, very PERSONAL OPINION is that fitness centers are low risk, if done right. It takes vigilante employees and patrons that exercise awareness. Group classes should be tapered if allowed at all. Free weights and other equipment should be wiped frequently. If your fitness center does allow group classes, I would say be careful and hesitate to jump right back in.

Lower expectations

Here’s what may be expected of you or what you can expect of your fitness center’s management in your Fitness Center reopening.

  1. Limited Capacity: Your fitness facility may try to restrict the number of patrons that are in their facility at any given time. They may even require you to schedule workout sessions ahead of time. This may be overkill. My experience is that people tend to self govern themselves. You can’t get an adequate work in in a crowded space where when you reach out, you’ll literally touch someone. Even before this pandemic, crowded spaces were undesirable.
  2. Enforced Hand Hygiene: As much as we don’t like being told what to do, I think this is a good idea. Expect to be asked to use hand sanitizer upon entering the facility, joining a small exercise group and as you move throughout the facility.
  3. Scheduled Sanitation: Your facility may schedule a full or partial facility sanitation midday. This will require them to close the gym during this time. A minor inconvenience. Scheduled workout sessions (mentioned in #1) may help keep you from showing up without and wasting your time or they can just inform all patrons on their cleaning schedule.

Highly anticipated

My advice is the same as always, go early to avoid crowds. I shared other gym etiquette tips in WUHAN!!! Got You All In Check! | Gym Etiquette During COVID-19.

The specifics may vary slightly, but what’s important is that you anticipate some changes, protect yourself and others and get back to WINNING! If all else fails, the Great Outdoors never closed.