How To Completely and Utterly FAIL! And Still WIN.

A goal was set for to attract 2,000 views in the first year. I now know this to be what Elite Blog Academy’s Founder Ruth Soukup calls a “Vanity Goal”, but a goal nonetheless. Thirteen months later, I FAILED! I came up short of 2,000 views. Just how much more did I fail? Let us count the ways.

I set additional goals:

  1. At least 1 blog post a week
  2. At least 2 Video post a week
  3. Build an audience of 999

FAIL! Succeed. FAIL Some More!!!

Based on the three goals set above…With 52 weeks in the year, 42 posts were published on (FAILED!) and 171 videos went live on YouTube (Succeeded). With no clear criteria set, no real way to quantify the “audience” was defined. Another Failure. One out of four ain’t bad, right?!?!

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