Family Day EVERYDAY | International Day of Families

You’ve been stuck in your home with your family. It’s like an indefinite family vacation. The walls start closing in on you. Little annoyances start to run you up the wall. Why is EVERYONE so noisy!?!?

Your kids are loud, messy kids and act like they don’t know how to pick up behind themselves. Your teething one year old is whiny, clingy, and eating everything in sight, the floor included. Your three-year-old who fancies herself a comedian, makes her little brother cry, then cries because you try to correct her behavior. Your wife doesn’t seem to get that Work-From-Home, literally means, WORK. From. Home.

This doesn’t sound so appealing, right? Man do I miss it!

My current situation has taken me away from “all the fun” for 45 days. So the first two anecdotes (and SO much more) are from the glue that holds our family together, my wife of course. That last one about Work-From-Home was from me (she doesn’t doesn’t read these anyways 😉).

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