How To Use Physical Activity To DEFEAT Depression! #BeThe1To

In recognition of National Suicide Prevention Month (September), National Suicide Prevention Week (September 8 – 14, 2019) and WORLD Suicide Prevention Day (September 10th), it is time to talk about DEPRESSION!

What Is The Deal?

September is National Suicide Prevention Month. All month, mental health advocates, prevention organizations, survivors, allies, and community members unite to promote suicide prevention awareness.

National Suicide Prevention Week is the Monday through Sunday surrounding World Suicide Prevention Day. It’s a time to share resources and stories, as well as promote suicide prevention awareness.

World Suicide Prevention Day is September 10. It’s a time to remember those affected by suicide, to raise awareness, and to focus efforts on directing treatment to those who need it most.

Share your story! Share your journey! Let’s get through DEPRESSION together!

You Can Run, But You Can’t Hide!

There is no hiding from depression these days. If money and materials equated to happiness, the citizens of these great United States would be the HAPPIEST people on the planet. Throughout my travels to some culturally rich places, some of the happiest people I have EVER seen, would be considered “poor” by our standards, having little to no possessions. What they did have, was EACH OTHER.  Somehow, some way, people from around the developing world have mastered the art of being content. When modern society constantly bombards you with images of how you should look, what you should be wearing, what type of car you should be driving, how to spend money and how successful you should be before the age of 40 (40 Under 40 lists), 30 and so on, we could likely make a argument for correlation. But I digress. No matter its origin or who we try to blame for it, depression is real, and it is insidious.

Do You Suffer From Depression?

It is hard, if not impossible, to take care of your family while being in a depressed state. Other than being low in spirits about specific events and outcomes, I do not think myself to suffer from any forms of chronic depression. I recently considered the notion that as I get older, I may be impacted by Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a type of depression that is related to changes in seasons and begins and ends at about the same times every year. I say this because I have felt myself want to crawl into a dark place, lay in bed and lay around and DO NOTHING!

Just recently, I found myself not wanting to leave the house for TWO DAYS! I literally took care of my infant son, Tiras Malachi, for those days, feeding him, changing his diapers, and when I put him down for a nap, I did the same and slept the days away. Luckily for me, it was the weekend. When it was time to stick to our routine and go to the playground and let Elliora Zyah exhaust her energy, I passed. When it was time to go to CHURCH on Sunday, I PASSED! My wife noticed my lack of motivation to exercise and to leave the house, but I tried to down play it as possibly being sick (which I very well could have, since something was going around). However, this was not the only time I have felt this way, and it seems to happen around the same time of year, just about every year! This is why I “self-diagnosed” myself thanks to Google and WebMD 😊.

But there are other, more serious forms of depression that I cannot speak to because I have not experienced them.

Do any of these things ring true to you? How does depression affect you?

What Can YOU Do?

The quick, short and SWEATY answer is to…. PRIORITIZE PHYSICAL ACTIVITY! Of course, I am sure you saw that coming. In all seriousness, physical activity not only reduces the risk of depression, it also reduces the symptoms as well.

Habitual physical activity reduces symptoms of diagnosed depression in adults and can reduce the risk of developing depression. (Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, 2nd edition. Available at

Yet another benefit of prioritizing physical activity. There are so many, I have lost count at this point!

But everything exposed by the light becomes visible–and everything that is illuminated becomes a light.

Ephesians 5:13

Secondly, go out and get some SUN! The very thing that you may be avoiding (going outside) may be the very thing you need. Sunlight (phototherapy) is actually one of the treatments of SAD.

Thirdly, you may be at a place in your life where you feel comfortable sharing, so share your story at Leave a comment. You do not have to walk this road alone. You will be surprised how many dads are going/have gone through something similar. Maybe you have some advice or things you do that help you stay centered.

Finally, NEVER GIVE UP! Do not allow yourself to sink further and further into a depressed state. If you feel yourself starting to spiral downward, take action! Use some of the resources provided below.


  1. Get started with Prioritizing Physical Activity.
  2. Go out and get some SUN.
  3. Share your story. It will encourage others to do the same.
  4. NEVER GIVE UP! Use the resources provided.


#BeThe1To is the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline’s message for National Suicide Prevention Month and beyond, which helps spread the word about actions we can all take to prevent suicide. The Lifeline network and its partners are working to change the conversation from suicide to suicide prevention, to actions that can promote healing, help and give hope.

Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Approximately 45% of suicide victims had contact with primary care providers within 1 month of suicide. Here are some resources, including 24-hour crisis lines and technical assistance materials:

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline HRSA 1-800-273-TALK (8255). The Lifeline provides free, confidential emotional support and referrals to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Veterans Crisis Line HRSA 1-800-273-TALK (8255) Press 1. The Veterans Crisis Line provides free, confidential emotional support and referrals to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Check out for more information!