How To Inspire Others!

Inspiration starts at home first, home on the range!

When you walk the walk, don’t be surprised when you see others get inspired.

How do you get motivated?

What are your sources of motivation? I rely on many sources of motivation, one of which is David Goggins. If you do not know who David Goggins is, he is known for his no nonsense, no excuse approach in overcoming a weak mindset. About a month ago I was watching a video shot by David Goggins giving pointers on how he builds muscle endurance and how to incorporate it throughout the day. Anyways, this approach in particular was called “Ins-and-Outs”. Basically, upon entering any structure with a doorway, you drop down and complete a set of push-ups. This could be 5 to 10 push-ups, more if you are feeling froggy. This would be the “Ins” portion. The same idea goes for the “Outs”. Before or after you exit a doorway, you drop down and complete a set of push-ups. Simple enough!

This resonated with me because one of my goals for 2019 is to increase the maximum number of push-ups I can complete.  I was inspired to jump right in with the Ins-and-Outs. I did so not knowing how it would impact others.

Lead Through ACTION!

As I started my work week on Monday, prior to entering my building, I dropped down and knocked out a set of 10 push-ups. I work at a guarded facility, so immediately the security guards manning their stations saw me. Since I have been at this location for some years now, the guards and I are pretty familiar and friendly. Once I entered, they questioned my strange behavior. I told them I was doing “Ins-and-Outs” and I explained what that entailed. Their interests were piqued. So much so, they would ENSURE that I stuck to my plan and prod me when I was coming and going. The next day, the guards grew comfortable enough to critique my form (my form was PERFECT!). This was a common theme amongst all of them. When the guards changed shifts, without fail, the new set of guards would add their two cents. I started to spin the critiques of “You’re not going down low enough” with a response of “Show me how to do it.”. As the week went on, as I dropped down to knock out a set, one of the guards would do them with me! Once I switched from push-ups (elbow tendinitis started setting in) to squats they would join me as well. A guard even called himself out when he told me he mentioned what I was doing to his wife, and his wife’s reply was “Why aren’t you doing it with him?”. This was TREMENDOUS success! To have these guards, who are mostly sedentary for their entire shift, aside from doing rounds to check out the facility grounds, to doing push-ups and squats with me. OH, THE JOY IT GAVE ME!

Inspire Through ACTION!

I tell you this story to illustrate the power of actionable influence. It is one thing to preach, proclaim and talk a good game (none of which I claim to be good at), but it is another to show through action. I am inspired by those WHO DO! And it is likely YOU ARE TOO!! So, keep that in mind when you find yourself giving advice. You are likely giving advice without saying one word.


Here are 5 steps to Inspiring your peers through ACTION.

  1. Always mean what you say and say what you mean.
  2. Demonstrate through ACTION.
  3. Follow through and stay CONSISTENT.
  4. Get EVERYONE involved.
  5. Lather, Rinse, Repeat.

Follow and share your story of being a source of inspiration to a peer, a friend or relative, OR share what your source of inspiration is!