Hey FAT DAD! You Are Robbing Your Grand-kids of Their Legacy!!!


No Research Necessary: We pour a lot of time, energy and effort into our children’s future. And rightfully so. We desire they go be greater than us, but ask nothing in return other than they become God-fearing, good American citizens as adults. At the same time, we rob them of their future by our very own selfish acts. These acts I am referring to are a sedentary lifestyle, bad eating habits, cigarette smoking and/or alcohol addiction.

As dads, I know some of our jobs are manual in nature, so at the very least, physical activity is built into those jobs. But for the dads that sit at a desk all day, go home and continue sitting on the couch, we have got to do better. Now, I can get into the whole “studies show” lecture, but realistically, we know what habits and behaviors that are unhealthily in the long term. We do not need studies to show that.

Question Yourself: Will you be able to walk your daughter down the aisle and hand her to her soon-to-be husband? Or will you need a wheelchair or walker because you never got active, did not manage your diabetes and your foot had to be amputated? Will you be able to toss around a ball with her? Or do you get shortness of breath just from standing up and walking to the car because you have emphysema from chain smoking, or from being obese, therefore you do not even bother helping her get better at sports.

I am chomping at the bit for the day I get to introduce Elliora and Tiras to kickboxing. You better believe I will be doing it right alongside them too! I will not be able to do that unless I am healthy and stay active. Some kids do break from the bad habits they formed through their upbringing. But you, DAD, are their best bet for a good start off the starting blocks (Elliora is going to be a fast one!). I will also acknowledge that we develop habits as we get older (think of post high school newly acquired independence). Now, as dads, we MUST break those habits.

Legacy: It may seem like a long way off, but let’s take it a step further. What about your kids’ kids? I am sure you have been told that being a granddad is just as rewarding, if not more, than being a parent. Knowing the type of parent I am, there is no way I am going to deny myself the pleasure of pouring that granddad love on the grand-kids that Elliora Zyah or Tiras Malachi may bless me with some day. As I did with my own kids, I am going to take my grand-kids on those same hikes, and go on those same runs, all within reason of course. Not just the fun stuff though. Being thousands of miles away from Elliora and Tiras’s grandparents, I know how much of a blessing grandparents are. Maintaining my health now means I will be physically ready and willing (hopefully) when I need to lend a hand for support. Finding good reliable help for kids in their formative years is not only hard, but expensive. I will be there for that too. So, how you live your life TODAY, the health you keep yourself in, is a major factor in the type of Granddad you will be in the future.

In stark contrast, some of us are not living a lifestyle to which we can be confident that we will be around for our OWN kids, let alone grand-kids. So, do it for your grand-kids! They will be your LEGACY.