Family Day EVERYDAY | International Day of Families

Social Distancing from my daughter.

You’ve been stuck in your home with your family. It’s like an indefinite family vacation. The walls start closing in on you. Little annoyances start to run you up the wall. Why is EVERYONE so noisy!?!?

Your kids are loud, messy kids and act like they don’t know how to pick up behind themselves. Your teething one year old is whiny, clingy, and eating everything in sight, the floor included. Your three-year-old who fancies herself a comedian, makes her little brother cry, then cries because you try to correct her behavior. Your wife doesn’t seem to get that Work-From-Home, literally means, WORK. From. Home.

This doesn’t sound so appealing, right? Man do I miss it!

My current situation has taken me away from “all the fun” for 45 days. So the first two anecdotes (and SO much more) are from the glue that holds our family together, my wife of course. That last one about Work-From-Home was from me (she doesn’t doesn’t read these anyways 😉).

Missed moments

Fellas, I know what you’re thinking, with all that time I was away, her being mostly confined to our house with two crazy kids and no play dates to speak of, “You better had spoiled her for Mother’s Day!”. I wasn’t present to celebrate her motherhood on the exact day, but I made sure to send plenty of tokens of my appreciation. I’ll have some making up to do when I return as well.

I missed Tiras’s First Steps! While I have been away, my first-born son took his first steps and has since started walking on the regular. It’s more like a fat guy waddle, but nonetheless.

So this International Day of Families is hitting me right in the feels. The health interests of my family is at the core of it all. Although I will not be amongst my family on May 15th, I will make up for lost time as soon as I can.

Make up for lost time

Can guess what I have planned? I will give you some hints… it will involve two Mason Family staples, 1) Physical Activity, 2) The Great Outdoors.

I not sure what public spaces will and will not be open when I get home, but does it really matter? Do you really need Yellowstone National Park to be open to enjoy the fresh air with you family? Any old trail or sidewalk will do. Burn some energy off. Burn some calories. Hear the birds chirp and the squirrels scurry about.

Your family is well and healthy, when so many others are not, take a moment to reflect on that. Keep them healthy and physically active.   

So for those of you that can physically be with your family on Friday May 15, International Family Day, I you challenge you to be intentional. For every ONE thing that you cannot do, due to current circumstances, think of two things that you CAN do. Heck, get your kids involved and have them make some suggestions.

I like to keep it simple because we have youngins and I’m BORING. But if you have some creative minds in your household, tap into them let the run with it! Of course I suggest you get some sun exposure and DO IT OUTSIDE!

family day everyday

Cheesy. Cliche’. And whatever other synonym you can think of (because I couldn’t think of any more). Yes, “Family Day Everyday ” is all the above. I am unapologetic about it’s cornyness.

I will be back home in less than a week. Soon enough, you will be back in your office, in your swivel chair, working from your desk. Your wife may even be back to work. Your son will be in day care and your daughter will be starting preschool.

You won’t be able to take a break from you computer screen, go out to the living room and give your daughter a BIG bear hug (or intentionally try to annoy her, cuz that’s what dads do), you won’t be able to pick up your son and you won’t be able to give your wife a kiss.


The point is, changes in our everyday life have forced most of us closer to families and others away. Take the time on International Family Day to reset your mentality on current circumstances and think you could be thousands of miles away from them, or they could be among the afflicted.

Take advantage of you and your family’s situation. Instill the importance of health and wellness by Prioritizing Physical Activity TOGETHER! Today and as many days possible following, because it feels SO GOOD!

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