3 Reasons Why You Should Join The Weekend Warrior Circle

Family Time at Lake Needwood

Our work week is already jammed packed with activities. You wake up, get yourself ready for work, get your kids ready for school, get ready, drop the kids off at school, barely make it to work on time, turn around and pick up the kids, figure out the dinner situation, get the kids ready for bed, get yourself ready for bed…lather, rinse repeat the next day. SHEESH!

It’s exhausting just reading it. Squeezing physical activity into your daily routine during the week does not seem like an option. It feels like there is literally not enough time in your day to get a fitness session (“sesh” from here on out) in and still perform each of those tasks stated above. If the thought of even trying to workout doing the weekday automatically strikes you as impossible, think of a day that does not contain all these obstacles. Shot, think of TWO days when you do not have to work. The majority of American Dads are likely off on the weekend days.

  1. No Work! I know that some dads work on the weekends. Heck, I was once one of them and sometimes my current position requires it. For the most part, we are fortunate enough to have disposable time on the weekend to do as weor our wives—choose. So, what is your excuse? If you are concerned about intruding on family time, try waking up earlier (yes, even during the weekend) to lessen the impact of your absence. Check out But I am NOT A Morning Person!
  2. No School! Getting the rug rats UP AND AT ‘EM, dressed and ready for school is likely numero uno on your headache list. If not, it is no doubt a top contender. Unless your household is running like the military—DRESS RIGHT, DRESS—and your kids squared away on time ALL the time, getting them ready for school in the morning is a time a consumer for sure. If only there were two days out of the week the kids didn’t have to be ready for school…
  3. Get the Whole Family Involved So you don’t want to go with the first option and wake up earlier than the rest of the family—on the WEEKEND—and find time to get a workout sesh in. Your wife is giving you a hard time about leaving here alone with the kids (How To Gain Support from your Significant Other) or you just feel guilty about taking away from family time. This is Prime Time for a family outdoor activity! A bike ride, a hike, a game of tag or hide-and- seek, some football or soccer, you name it. Get the family moving right along with you. They will enjoy it, you will enjoy it, and they may even need a nap after. I love nap time.

The weekdays are hectic and PRIORITIZING PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Monday through Friday may be a work in progress for you. Don’t let that stop you! Start with Saturdays and Sundays. Get up before the kids get up, get permission from the misses OR make it a family affair. Check out the benefits of taking the family with you at: 4 Reasons You MUST Go Hiking With Your Family To Save Your Marriage!

Join the ACTIVE-DAD Weekend Warrior Circle! Tell us what you did, how you did it and if you got the family involved!
